'Supergirl' Season 5 Episode 18: Lena and Kara work together but Lex Luthor is still in control of the ball

The battle has been won, but the war just *might* be lost. Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) finally saw through her brother Lex Luthor's (Jon Cryer) evil schemes. The scenes between the Luthor siblings are always fun to watch because the two actors have such powerful chemistry and are able to feed off each other's energy. Lena realizes that she has been a little too harsh (putting it politely) on Kara aka Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and tearfully apologizes to her for all the misdeeds. She makes it clear that she wants to bring Lex and Leviathan down, and an unwilling Kara finally decides to put aside her reservations and trust her.
That's all great, but this much-awaited for patch up still won't be enough to bring Lex down. His powers of manipulation have escalated manifold and there's no way that this time he's going to allow for even a small mistake to pass. Throughout the season, Lex has been pulling the strings and has ensured that his plans work. If he wants to pit Leviathan against Supergirl, he could just be successful in doing so. Rama Khan as we saw, just destroyed the DEO in one sitting, and the team could barely fight against this new source of power.
Kara has encountered defeat before, but this just might be a very painful one, as Lex can go to any lengths to achieve his ends. He made good use of Lena's Non-Nocere and has more tricks up his sleeve. In the promo, he teams up with Cara Buono's Gamemnae/ Gemma Cooper from Leviathan and seems overtly confident about 'ending the world'. As far as Leviathan's motivations go, they are sick of humanity because the race is just destroying Earth as the alien race feels. And Lex...is well Lex, anything to wreak havoc and destroy Supergirl.
Jon Cryer gave some tantalizing hints about the finale in an earlier interview, hinting that Lex just might not get defeated. "The Supergirl folks have talked to me because we couldn't shoot our last episode. We had shot some of the last episode, and they're gonna use some of that footage, but they're writing a whole bunch of new stuff around it," Cryer told Couch Surfing host Lola Ogunnaike. "Which is interesting because the way my character was thwarted now doesn't happen anymore. So I was like, 'Oh, did I not get defeated? Wait a minute, I like this!'" He added, "Supervillains, we relish our chance to actually not be defeated every now and then."
If that isn't clear, what is? Welcome back Lena, but you just might be a little too late. *Cries*
'Supergirl' airs on CW, Sundays at 9pm.