'Supergirl' Season 5 Episode 18 Review: DEO's destruction and Lex-Lena's fight makes for a thrilling watch

Spoilers for 'Supergirl' Season 5 Episode 18
Well, well, well. Finally all the scrambled plot points of the CW show 'Supergirl' fell into place, a little chunkily, but nevertheless let's just be grateful. For starters, thank god Leviathan finally broke out of the shadows and became a more intimidating villain, well still not matching up to the power of Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer), but still scary enough. The climax of the episode was everything, or least a LOT of what we were hoping for: Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) and Kara Danvers's (Melissa Benoist) reconciliation, Lena-Lex's (Jon Cryer) showdown and finally some non-tacky scenes of villainy and moments of actual tension and worry.
At the beginning of the episode, Kara is still all iffy about Lena calling her a hypocrite and is busy venting to Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh) about it, who looks as tired with their wrangling as the rest of us. Alex tries to tell her that Lena is not working for Leviathan but Kara won't have it. Meanwhile, Lex and Lena's Non-Nocere project runs awry and that gives the perfect jolt to Lena's vengeful senses that Lex is diabolic, and brother or not, she should not come near him with a bargepole. The best part about the episode was the confrontation between the two Luthor siblings, as Cryer and McGrath really feed off each other's energy. The chemistry between the two is remarkable. Is it too much to hope for that they have more such showdowns?
In other news, Rama Khan unleashes the dogs of hell and destroys the DEO in one sitting. Brainy (Jesse Rath) and Nia (Nicole Maines) have a moment, where she tells him to pick a side, 'else she will pick a side for him'. The dialogue writing for this episode has been kicked up a notch, you must admit, though Supergirl's trash-talking to villains is still rather staid and stilted. After the first ten minutes, the episode gets thoroughly enjoyable and sets up a nerve-wracking finale that's yet to come. There's much nervousness that Lex might just win this battle, because he lost the last one....er, rather, he was killed. If only Lena could kill him again, *sigh*
Grateful for a Lena and Kara reconciliation *tears*, (yes Supercorps, we hear you screaming in joy), but it might be just too late. Who knows?
Tune into 'Supergirl' on CW Sunday, 9 pm, next week.