'Supergirl' star Mehcad Brooks says his mom was called the N-word in Austin, Internet says 'you're not alone'
'Supergirl' star Mehcad Brooks has continually managed to raise his voice and share thoughts on integral issues that have plagued the society. Previously, he sent a powerful message on racism on Instagram and now the actor took to the platform again to express his thoughts on harassment and assault.
This time, Brooks recounted the time when his mother was being racially abused in Austin. He shared an image of an article on Black Austin Matters on Instagram and added in a caption that read: How my mother, an award-winning journalist, continues to weather the storm of being called ----- in my progressive hometown of #Austin."
It continued: "Please share. Carrying the weight of America’s original sin alone is no longer our responsibility. #JustAKidFromAustin who doesn’t want kids growing up being harassed and assaulted the way we were and then having their city claiming #liberalism and progressiveness."
This message just won him the hearts, respect and admiration of fans who have followed him actively on his social media pages. In response, one of the fans had a lengthy reply to the post
"Bro I grew up in Brooklyn during the 80s and I know what is like. One year while collecting money for our church my friends and I were chased by some white kids who were playing football in the street. They threw my friend on a fence and broke his arm. Many people think racism is isolated to the south abs interior of the country but it's all over. I applaud your mom for her strength and will to push on. I pray God blesses her and the family. Keep fighting that fight. You're not alone."
Another commented: "Thanks, for exposing this, Brotha," One of the fans said: "I get it. I live in Chicago. The most unprogressive/progressive town in the Midwest. They're still places we know not to go. Sucks." And the support just continued to flow in. "smh... My aunt is in Houston. {chief tax appraiser for years} She and I have discussed this topic often. {will definitely be sharing this with her via email, not on SM, good read}... Thank you for sharing! #worththeread"
"So sorry about this. It’s just wrong," a fan wrote back. Over the last few months, his fellow Arrowverse stars too have spoken openly about the prevalent racial discrimination and the need to get rid of the evil.