'Supergirl' actor Mehcad Brooks attacks 'asymptomatic racists' in strong message, fans say 'this hit home'

'Supergirl' actor Mehcad Brooks took to his social media pages and attacked those who were "asymptomatic" racists. He tweeted, "Some of y’all been walking around real comfortable with asymptomatic racism and #BLM has really exposed your illness and you just refuse to accept the diagnosis. Smh. #BlackLivesMattter."
In another tweet, he added, "Some #AntiRacist thoughts for your week. Good night and be blessed. #justakidfromaustin who wants #morelove..... #wearehere #antiracism #blm #blacklivesmatter #mehcadbrooks #blacktraumamatters #twitterquotes…"
This powerful message won him more respect among fans as they expressed their support in their messages. A fan wrote, "May god be with you." Another tweeted, "If only we came together to see the real problem and talked about it, openly like you are. We can resolve this and white fragility." One more said, "If only people who say get over it could walk a day in your body, they would never say it again."
"You just dropped some gems," a fan wrote in response to Brooks's tweet. "Not smart or brave enough. I'm sure plenty of folks have known that this behaviour was abhorrent but simply weren't brave enough to go against masses. Unwilling to sacrifice their own comfort and safety of others. Time to get uncomfortable," a fan wrote. "This hit home, in all the right ways. Harsh facts always and only pisses off the ones who are what they say they arent," another wrote. "This hit my soul," a fan commented.
Ever since George Floyd was murdered by a white cop who stood on his neck for nearly nine minutes, the call for Black Lives Matter echoed around the world. The protests spread across the United States and other countries joined them in solidarity.
Many of Brooks' Arrowverse co-stars such as Candice Patton, Danielle Nicolet, Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist and Stephen Amell also raised their voices against the systemic racism prevalent in the world and how it needed to be dismantled.
Old videos of Patton resurfaced where she had argued for more Black women in The CW shows. In one video she had explained how difficult it had been to take on the role of Iris West on 'The Flash', as the comic-book character had been white. She had received vitriol and hate from the comic-book fans for years.
""Comic book fans are very opinionated (and) very vocal," she explains. "So it was very scary stepping into that role when I started the show." She said that one of the producers actually warned her to not go online after she was cast due to all the negative comments. While it wasn't easy dealing with the harassment at first, it did get better eventually. "Over time, people have embraced me and embraced this character, and I know it's really important," she said. "What's great is that in years to come, people will remember Iris West as being African American."