'Suburra: Blood on Rome' Season 3 Preview: How will Adami and Spadino's dynamics change after Lele's suicide?
In the season finale of 'Suburra: Blood in Rome' Season 2, Lele killed himself after bidding his final goodbyes to his allies and counterparts in the show's original triumvirate. The other two, Adami and Spadino, stood there, hands clasped to their mouths, trying to register what they just witnessed. Once back from the venue, Adami tells Spadino he loves him, an endearing gesture in the wake of their third ally's death. The two of them also go on to join hands with a third counterpart now that Lele is no more, but given this new collaboration, what really makes us curious is how the dynamics between the two remaining leading men will change.
Although nothing compared to the gradual evolution that was the bond between the original trio, Adami and Spadino are approached by Adriano, the right-wing radio DJ who was functioning under Samurai all this while. Adriano approaches the two men while they are still burning Lele's body, which is an already sensitive and vulnerable moment for the other two men. Adriano expresses his disgust over the Cinaglia even though that favored him in the last election; to him, the Cinaglia is nothing beyond being the worst people with a nihilistic approach towards whatever's going around.
Adriano's hostility comes from the fact that Samurai had made him spread false rumors about the countess's death being a murder, thus turning the election in the Cinaglia's way. Now ready to join hands with the other two men, he might prove to be a decent addition to what one could have expected was waning dynamics between Adami and Spadino. Once again made stronger in number Adami and Spadino might find hopes although they are facing the Cinaglia on one side, and Spadino's own bitter mother Adelaine, with his coma-recovered brother Manfred ready to seek vengeance on him on another side.
This hope and strength in their bond might also be punctured by the fact that Spadino has just murdered his boyfriend Teo. There's a possibility Spadino sees more weight in Adami's proclamation of love owing to his own long withstanding feelings for the man since early on the show, and that is bound to create tension. Especially now that Adami and Nadi are most certainly a thing. And that would be damning for the trio, should Adriano decide to go back on his proclamations of being disgusted by the Cinaglia and turn out to be a double agent all along.
'Suburra: Blood on Rome' Season 3 premiers this October 30 on Netflix.