'Stranger Things' Season 4 Episode 3: Will Eleven leave friends to get her powers back and fight Vecna?

Contains Spoilers for 'Stranger Things' Season 4 Episode 3
After the epic Starcourt battle in ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3, we saw Eleven losing her powers and becoming a normal human being. Although it has taken some time to get used to this, Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) is slowly and steadily rebuilding her own life. The journey has not been easy because she is considered to be crazy in school and no one wants to talk to her.
The other day, a girl named Angela started bullying her in school for talking about her dad (Jim Hopper) during the presentation. Students had to make a presentation about historical figures and Eleven chose his dad for the presentation. Angela discouraged Eleven from talking about her dad and told her that he was not famous at all. Angela continued to bully her, but she did get what she deserved for doing such a distasteful thing.
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However, things get really ugly when Eleven hits Angela with a roller skate and her nose starts to bleed. Eleven can’t believe what she did and even her friends, Mike (Finn Wolfhard) and Will (Noah Schnapp) can’t believe what just happened. They return home and it seems Mike is really annoyed at what has happened. The next day, when Mike tries talking to Eleven about the matter, someone comes up at the door and asks for Jane (Eleven’s high school name).

It’s the police and they are looking out for Jane because Angela has apparently filed a report about the attack. Jonathan, Mike, and Will tried everything to convince the police that it was Angela who started it, but they didn’t listen. They took her for interrogation and asked if she wanted to kill Angela. Eleven said she didn’t know what she wanted to do to Angela. Elsewhere, Jonathan, Mike, and Will are trying to know where Eleven is being taken to and which juvenile facility she will be living in.
While transporting Eleven to the facility, Mike assures her that he will take her out of this situation and make things right.
As soon as the police vehicle reaches halfway through, a few cars surround the police van and request to stop it. They show their ID cards to the police personnel and get the custody of Eleven. Well, it turns out that it’s Dr. Samuel Owens who has come to rescue Eleven this time around.
Owens and Eleven sit inside a diner to talk about the situation. Owens tells her that Hawkins is in grave danger because a new, deadlier villain has come to haunt everyone. He also reveals that every time this evil entity returns, he is stronger than before. Long story short, the people of Hawkins need Eleven to defeat the evil. However, Eleven makes it clear that she has lost her powers and doesn’t know how to get them back.
Owens reveals that he knows how to do it. He says that he has been anticipating this moment so he’s been working on something that would help in getting her powers back. For that, she would have to come with him because if she goes to Hawkins now, it would be the end of everyone she has ever loved. Eleven confirms that she is ready for that and they head to Nevada for the special project.

Meanwhile, colleagues of Owens reach the Byers’ house, telling everyone that Eleven is going with Owens and will return after some time. Till then, everyone needs to stay inside the house and two police officers will be living with them so that Jonathan, Will, and Mike are safe.
So, Eleven had to leave her friends behind in order to save Hawkins and everyone living there. How will Jonathan, Mike, and Will get to her? It will be interesting to see how everything leads to the reunion of old friends and lovers.