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Stormy Daniels' strip cub arrest was planned by Columbus police department, leaked emails show

Stormy Daniels' claim that the arrest was planned by Columbus PD has now been proven true after a chain of emails between high-ranking officials discussing her arrest were leaked
UPDATED MAR 20, 2020
Stormy Daniels (Source:Getty Images)
Stormy Daniels (Source:Getty Images)

Stormy Daniels was arrested for fondling patrons at a Ohio strip club on July 11 but charges against her were soon dismissed. It has now been revealed that her claim that the arrest was premeditated has been proven true after a chain of mails between high ranking Columbus PD officials were released. The emails were provided by a whistleblower and show officers discussing Stormy's gig just days before she was supposed to perform at the Sirens strip club in Ohio.

One of those emails happens to be sent by the same officer who had arrested her and she sent messages from her personal mail account to her work account with attached images of Stormy with Donald Trump, another of Stormy in lingerie, and a third one of a map to the strip club.

In another email, the same officer brags about the arrest to another officer saying: "You're welcome! Thank me in person later."

Stormy Daniels poses for a mugshot photo after being arrested at an Ohio strip club for allegedly touching three undercover detectives during her performance in violation of state law July 12, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio. Daniels posted a $6,054 bail and was released. (Photo by Franklin County Sheriff's Office via Getty Images)

It had been previously reported that the Columbus PD chief Kim Jacobs had claimed that cops messed up the arrest because, according to law, regular workers at the strip club are prohibited from touching the patrons, and Stormy was just a guest performer at the venue.

Despite the chief starting an internal investigation to determine the motives of the officers, Stormy's attorney Michael Avenatti shared his views on the latest email discoveries, tweeting: "This is extremely disturbing. I intend on getting to truth and the bottom of who ordered @StormyDaniels arrested and why. It appears that I was correct when I stated it was politically motivated. #Basta"

Stormy's arrest had primarily happened on the accounts of her allegedly fondling patrons, including undercover police officers who were present at the strip club. Reports say that officers observed her use her bare breasts to smack patrons, before fondling the breasts of female patrons. 

Stormy had reportedly held the face of a female officer between her breasts and done the same to a male officer too. She had then fondled the butt and breasts of another officer — at which point a fourth officer exited the club to request assistance to make an arrest.

Stormy's lawyer Michael Avenatti had tweeted his views on the arrest, claiming that the patrons did touch his client, but it was in a completely "non-sexual" way. That was when he had also alleged: "This was a complete setup... It's absurd that law enforcement resources are being spent to conduct a sting operation" [sic].

Turns out his beliefs in the entire incident being a politically motivated set up was not too far from the truth.