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What is a Stimmy? Wells Fargo trolled for processing stimulus checks as 'Nevada counted them damn votes'

The Internet has found immense pleasure in highlighting how heir stimulus checks are going to take forever to reach them and it's not the government's fault
Wells Fargo customers are pretty frustrated with how long the bank is taking to process their 'Stimmy' aka stimulus checks (Getty Images)
Wells Fargo customers are pretty frustrated with how long the bank is taking to process their 'Stimmy' aka stimulus checks (Getty Images)

While the Senate dithers over increasing the second Covid-19 stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000, the Internet has directed its wrath over the situation to something else - but not altogther unrelated. Fondly dubbed 'Stimmy', the way coronavirus was christened 'The Rona', the Internet has found immense pleasure in highlighting how their stimulus checks are going to take forever to reach them not because the government is mulling over it, but because of Wells Fargo and the expected delay the bank is going to indulge in. So much so, that people are now comparing the bank to Nevada counting votes in the 2020 election.

For those of you who still didn't get it, the 'Stimmy' is the shortened moniker for stimulus checks that are supposed to reach you sooner than you'd expect, claim some media outlets. As of Tuesday, the IRS has reportedly begun delivering the second-round of the said checks to several Americans who received the first round back in March. The direct deposit checks were supposed to have arrived as early as Tuesday night for some people, while electronic payments were to continue till next week. But even with direct deposit payments appearing as pending or as provisional payment in accounts before the official payment date of January 4, 2021, the Internet's sense of humour knows no bounds when it comes to quips and memes.

So off they went doing what they do best: make the best of every crisis and minor inconveniences by spinning hilarious memes and reactions surrounding it. It looks like customers of the bank Wells Fargo have been upset the most by the lack of speed with which the Stimmy is coming there way, thus dragging the bank on Twitter for being horribly slow, comparing it to the likes of sloths and everything painfully slow under the sun, to express their agony over the delay. 

The best of all was perhaps a user joking, "Wells Fargo depositing stimulus checks like Nevada counted them damn votes," which brings back the not all that long ago Nevada memes Twitter was flooded with when the presidential elections took place and the battleground state took its own sweet time to call the vote count. The bank seems to be riddled with infamy on more than one issue, as another user noted, "Wells Fargo is trending. People still bank with them after they were caught skimming and stealing from their customers so much that they got in trouble from the government?"








Pointing out just how much the bank is lagging behind, a user tweeted: "Of course Wells Fargo takes forever with this stimulus check. It's past time for me and my $47.72 to take our patronage elsewhere!" Others tried to be funny about the delay, stating, "Imma pull up to Wells Fargo for my stimmy like “well can you check to see if there’s any in the back?”" Some former customers of the bank issued an alarm: "Seeing Wells Fargo trending and wondering what did they steal from their customers this time. Oh stimmy checks. Whatch these guys they are reverse bank robbers."

And then of course was the salty tweet accompanied by the signature Spongebob meme; "I notice ppl are getting their stimmy checks. Then there’s me, who has Wells Fargo," cationed the user alongside a photo of the iconic cartoon character waiting in Krabby Patty, because, you know, no internet trend is complete without him.