'Station 19' Season 4 Episode 7: Why didn't Carina's father call her even two days after Andrew DeLuca's death?

‘Station 19’ features Carina DeLuca (Stefania Spampinato) in a larger role. We see a devastated Carina cowering as she sits fully dressed in the shower. She tells her partner Maya Bishop (Danielle Savre) that she can’t tolerate anything too soft and too comfortable at the moment and therefore she just can’t sleep in a bed.
Sleep, however, is the only thing that can save her from the bottomless guilt that she feels over Andrew DeLuca's death. Maya tells her to just scream out her pain, she says your brother died, you can disturb the neighbors. Carina says he didn’t just die, he was murdered.

We then see Carina spiraling in her grief. She comes out of the bathroom with a suitcase. She says she has to go to Italy because she has to tell their father in person about Andrew’s death. She says that if she doesn’t tell him in person, she’s not sure how her father who struggles with mental illness, will take it. Maya tries to calm her down and tells her she can't travel during a pandemic.
Maya then takes over all the other arrangements, including the funeral service and paperwork to prevent Carina from feeling too overwhelmed. Carina then asks her if she can call her father as well for her. Maya tells her that's one thing you have to do on your own.

Carina, however, is in for a rude shock when she calls her father. She learns that her father has known about Andrew's death for two days and still didn't call her. Maya finally decides to take matters into her own hands and takes Carina to the fire station. She puts on the siren and tells Carina to scream, without feeling self-conscious that people can hear her. Carina then begins to pour out her grief with her screams. Fans found this heartbreaking to say the least.
One fan tweeted, "The screams. I’m sobbing. my heart hurts. #Station19 " Another fan said, "Can we just pause for a moment and reflect on how difficult, precious and beautiful grieving is. #Station19 ". Others expressed appreciation for the fine acting talent that Stefania Spampinato is. Oh my ... her acting I can literally feel the pain @spampistefania
Can we just pause for a moment and reflect on how difficult, precious and beautiful grieving is. #Station19
— Jaina Lee Ortiz (@JainaLeeOrtiz) March 19, 2021
Oh my ... her acting I can literally feel the pain @spampistefania #station19
— Elsa (@RidolfiE) March 19, 2021
To find out more about how Carina handles the grief and the guilt surrounding her brother's death and whether she can forgive her father for his callous attitude, you can catch new episodes of 'Station 19' on Thursdays at 8|7c on ABC.