'Station 19' Season 4 Episode 13: Will Ben agree to get cancer surgery? Fans say 'Bailey's had a tough year'

The latest episode of 'Station 19' starts with Ben (Jason George) and Bailey (Chandra Wilson) in a flashback, finding a moment of romance after months of quarantining apart. It reminds us why Ben and Bailey have been such a loved couple all these years. However, we see that this little bubble of calm and romance for Benley is about to burst. Bailey while cuddling next to Ben suddenly discovers a growth on Ben. The episode then flashes forward to the Black Fighter’s Coalition banquet on a cruise ship. The 'Station 19' team however considers the day a waste of time and wishes they were out protesting.
Dean (Okieriete Onaodowan) has an argument with the Fire Chief over the recent lawsuit he filed against the police. It's a heated argument which leads to the Chief saying he can't breathe. He then falls overboard. Dean dives in to rescue him without a life jacket. Ben witnesses the scene grabs a life jacket and jumps in after them. The Fire Chief, however, doesn't survive long in the water and soon dies.

The episode keeps moving between the drama at the cruise ship, and the health challenges that Ben is facing. We see Ben and Bailey then go to see a doctor with possibly the worst bedside manner we've ever seen, who tells them that Ben's testicle has to be removed because he has a growth that can metastasize quickly.
Fans were devastated. One fan on Twitter said, "I won’t accept Ben having cancer #Station19 "
I won’t accept Ben having cancer 😠#Station19 pic.twitter.com/6QMu7zfAzg
— Katie | Station 19 Spoilers (@surreraaddict) May 7, 2021
Ben tells Dean when they are in the water that he has a tumor in his testicle and he has to have surgery and then the diagnosis will be made for sure. We see that Ben doesn't want to have the surgery and in a flashback we see him arguing with Miranda about the surgery. Miranda says she just cannot lose Ben especially with the statistics of Black Men and Cancer. She has already struggled too much this year and she says she cannot imagine walking through this life without him. Fans agreed with Bailey, tweeting, "Ben???? SCHEDULE THE DAMN SURGERY SIR #Station19 "
Ben???? SCHEDULE THE DAMN SURGERY SIR #Station19 pic.twitter.com/iA8g9KnhjB
— The Feds (@Sophia_Loren89) May 7, 2021
Another fan tweeted, "Exactly, Bailey has tough year already losing her husband will be breaking point. Ben must live, his wife and children need him. #Station19"
Exactly, Bailey has tough year already losing her husband will be breaking point. Ben must live, his wife and children need him. #Station19
— 🌹🌟ԀıԀı🌹🌟 (@girldazzle6) May 7, 2021
As if this episode wasn't exciting enough, suddenly Dean think he's being attacked by sharks in the water, it turns out they are not sharks but jellyfish. But the sting that really cuts deep for Dean is that he is in love with Victoria Hughes (Barrett Doss) and thinks that he will now never get a chance to tell her if he dies in the water. Fans have been wondering how Dean and Vic's relationship fizzled out and are thrilled to see it back on the radar again. One fan tweeted, "Dean admitted to Ben that he's in love with Vic!! OH MY LORD!! MY EMOTIONS! #Station19 "
Dean admitted to Ben that he's in love with Vic!! OH MY LORD!! MY EMOTIONS! #Station19
— Alana Clark (@aclarkcountry) May 7, 2021
Dean also asks Ben to take his daughter Pru in case he doesn't make it in the water. It seems that there are a lot of realizations that Ben and Dean come to in the water, but just as Ben comes to the realization that he is going to have the surgery he realizes that Dean is not conscious. He manages to get Dean awake, but not before they are forced to let the Chief's body float away. Dean is particularly devastated by this. We then see Dean and Ben battle hypothermia in the water, a battle they seem to be on the verge of losing.
But right when we think the battle is lost, we see Ben and Dean on a beach and while we get the sinking feeling whether they are on Meredith's beach, it turns out they have been rescued and they both certainly have come to the realization that they have a lot to live for, especially when Vic tells Dean she loves him too. Fans were delighted tweeting, "DEAN AND BEN ARE ALIVE AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS #Station19 "
DEAN AND BEN ARE ALIVE AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS #Station19 pic.twitter.com/v6pJfkRn8s
— azi (@sapphicpike) May 7, 2021
To find out what is in store for Ben, Bailey and Dean you can catch new episodes of 'Station 19' on Thursdays at 8 pm on ABC.