Paramount announces two new Star Trek movies, Tarantino may direct one

At CinemaCon in Las Vegas, Paramount CEO Jim Gianopulos announced that the studio is working on two new Star Trek movies.
After JJ Abrams topped the box office by bringing 'Star Trek' back in 2009, the legacy franchise got a new lease of life.
The positive criticism garnered by 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' in 2013, has goaded Paramount to work on more Star Trek movies.
According to Deadline, back in December, Quentin Tarantino made a deal with franchise in developing a movie along side JJ Abrams.
The last venture, 'Star Trek: Beyond' in 2013 was highly appreciated by the critics and fans, however, it did not receive attention from the general audience making only $343 million worldwide, which puts franchise on immense pressure for the upcoming movies.
According to Deadline, Tarantino pitched an idea for a new Star Trek film to Abrams and Paramount and it was very well received.
Paramount is planning to script Tarantino’s idea at the moment, and if all things go according to plan, Abrams will stick around as a producer. Depending on the rest of the production process, it is also possible that Tarantino could direct the film.

While Gianopulos did not provide any firm details about which proposed projects are moving ahead, we know about the Tarantino Trek movie, which 'The Revenant' writer Mark L. Smith will reportedly write.
We also know about an earlier Trek script by J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay that brings back Chris Hemsworth’s George Kirk, father of Chris Pine’s James Kirk.
It seems sure than one of the two Trek films will feature the reboot cast of Pine, Zoe Saldana, Quinto, Simon Pegg and company.
The cast for Tarantino's Trek is still in doubt. It is reported that actors have gone on record saying they’d happily throw in with Tarantino. That list includes Patrick Stewart, who says he’s ready to return as Picard for Tarantino’s film. William Shatner says he would return, too, since he has been trying to be back on Trek.