FATAL INDIFFERENCE: 37-yr-old Sophia Yuferev's body rotted at home for SIX WEEKS before someone gave a damn

A dead woman's body rotted in her house for almost six weeks before it was found. The family of the deceased woman, a resident of East London, blamed the failures of health workers and called them "appalling". The family further slammed the treatment she was receiving and blamed the psychiatrist for not seeing her for almost 2 years before her death.
The woman, identified as Sophia Yuferev, 37, was an artist, who was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and was found 'significantly decomposed' at her flat in Hornchurch, East London during a welfare visit on November 16 last year. Her family members Maria Mashiah and Yulia Tlili were shocked at the treatment Sophia was getting and claimed that she could have been saved. In East London Coroner's Court, Mashiah said, "She just fell through the gap. For two years the psychiatrist did not see her in person, this was appalling." Tlili added, "She could have been saved or we could have helped her. Let them see not just a number but a human." Her mother Maria Stockdale revealed Sophia had been battling depression since she was 17 years old.
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It was also revealed that Sophia was estranged from her mother and the financial support that she was receiving ended after their last meeting. Her family revealed that she was in no position of taking care of herself. They also revealed that "she was not responsible for herself to care for herself." It was established that Sophia had often tried to escape and had previously fled to Siberia to be with her father. Her continuous delusions caused by the paranoid schizophrenia made her fly to Israel and was responsible for other escape attempts to Heathrow and nearby forests.

What caused Sophia Yuferev's severe conditions?
On Friday, July 22, it was revealed that consultant psychiatrist Dr Gupta did not see Sophia since November 2019, as she admitted to this. The official report on Sophia's death stated that the duty staff played a bigger role in Sophia's death. The report documented a series of events that subsequently left Sophia out of sight and without a care coordinator for almost 10 weeks.
The assistant director at NELFT (North East London NHS Foundation Trust), Irvine Muronzi, explained that the family members relied on agency staff that often didn't "understand our systems." He said, "There could have been an earlier intervention of the police and we should have notified the police earlier. Certainly, in this case, I think there would have been an earlier involvement of the police." He also added that the agency was understaffed due to Covid saying, "We did go through a difficult time, we were struggling with staffing to run our services as we normally would."
What was Sophia's condition when she was found by the police?
Sophia Yuferev's horrific conditions were explained by coroner Dr Shirley Radcliffe who explained that the unimaginable loss was caused by a build-up of acids in her blood. This was, however, said in conclusion after the pathologist could not come up with a clear-cut cause of her death. She explained that Sophia couldn't battle the "rapid weight decrease, an infection, or diabetes," and said "we could not provide the answers the family were looking for. It's not possible to say if an earlier follow-up about her attendance would have altered the outcome."

Sophia was tragically found by her new care coordinator who made 2 in-person visits. After getting no response or an update, the care coordinator contacted and alerted the police who found the decomposed body later that day and were welcomed to the scene with a ghastly stench. Once at the scene, the artist was found dead laying on her back wearing a white nightgown. The court further heard that she went without Personal Independence Payments since February 2021. Sophia was known to be teetotaller, but the toxicology report found alcohol content consistent with decomposition.