Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 1 Review: Layton makes startling discovery in workstation

Spoilers for 'Snowpiercer' Season 3 Episode 1 'The Tortoise and the Hare'
Fans of 'Snowpiercer,' rejoice! The post-apocalyptic dystopian drama is back with a brand new episode and boy, was it fun! 'The Tortoise and the Hare' is set six months after the events that took place in Season 2. Mr Wilford is still tracking Andre Layton and the defectors, who made away on a pirate train with Miss Audrey.
The episode starts with Layton and the crew analysing ice samples as they look for a suitable place to restart civilization based on Melanie Cavill's module. Tensions arise as Bennett Knox, a Resistance member collecting the samples, falls inside a workstation of sorts after a sheet of ice cracks under pressure.
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As Layton and Josie step out to rescue Ben, Miss Audrey convinces Martin into helping her return to Mr Wilford. After Layton helps rescue a seriously injured Bennett, he asks Josie to head to the train he goes about exploring the workstation and soon finds out that there's a survivor taking refuge there. After a brief altercation, Layton's suit runs out as he begins to see flashes of the Earth before the apocalypse ravaged it. He, fortunately, manages to make it back to the locomotive with the survivor. In the meantime, Miss Audrey and Martin plan a breakout during which Brakeman Till gets hurt. However, their mutiny is short-lived as Till comes back to her senses just in time to knock out the conniving duo.
Meanwhile, Mr Wilford continues his cruel reign as the train deals with low temperatures due to Big Alice powering both trains alone. First Class has been decommissioned and left empty and frozen, but Mr Wilford promises to restore it and bring it back to its former glory once Miss Audrey and the Engine return. During the course of the episode, he tasks his subordinates with finding those aiding Layton and the Resistance. This makes Mr Wilford's goons crack down on Resistance loyalists publicly, hoping to demoralize them. Episode 1 of 'Snowpiercer' Season 3 ends with Layton watching over the resting survivor who is being nursed back to health.
'Snowpiercer' airs Mondays at 9 pm ET on TNT