'Sister Wives' star Kody Brown accused by Flagstaff neighbors of 'disturbing' behavior towards children

FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA: It seems that 'Sister Wives' star Kody Brown has landed in trouble once again. The 'Sister Wives' star is already in a very rough phase of his life where he is dealing with the after-effects of separation from his three wives, detachment from his children, and unstable relationship with his wife Robyn Brown.
In between all these, an Instagram post by withoutacrystalball made serious accusations about Kody Brown. A Flagstaff neighbor of Kody seemed to make a few statements regarding him and his behavior.
The verified source stated that "neighbors have warned their kids to never approach the Brown's home due to Kody's temper". Kody is even well known for "driving around with his guns".
"Even the neighbors showed concern for Dayton and the kids as they were shifted to a RV which is unsuitable for harsh winters and proper sewage setups was unsanitary" was told by the witness.
He is allegedly trying to threaten kids that loiter near his property which looks like a junkyard at present. He even screams at the kids and his temper has caused the neighbors to warn their kids about him.
The people from Flagstaff have even termed him as a 'dangerous man' and want him to leave the town as soon as possible.
He even believed ill with the local restaurant staff and refused to tip them. Robyn Brown, his wife behaves strangely as well, she is mostly locked in the house with her children.

Did 'Sister Wives' star Kody Brown's marriage ended because of anger issues?
The new season of 'Sister Wives' has already seen Kody being quite volatile in several situations. Christine seemed to be the first to leave him in November 2021 followed by Janelle in December 2022 and Meri in January 2023 after being 'distant' and 'platonic'.
Even though Kody keeps on blaming the pandemic for his split with his wives, the reason seems quite the opposite. Fans have speculated that it was his anger and change in behavior that caused all the split within 14 months.

Is 'Sister Wives' star 'Kody Brown's anger causing rift with his daughter Maddie Brush?
Amid the divorce with Christine, Janelle, and Meri Brown, Kody Brown's children have started to drift away from him. His spiraling mental health, anger issues, and instability have caused such rifts between his children and him. Previously, his two sons were estranged from him for being too controlling.
However, in the recent episode of season 18, Kody Brown revealed that Maddie 'stopped reaching out to me' after his break with Christine and after the pandemic.
Previously, Kody and Maddie, now a mother of three, shared a quite steady relationship. Janelle made it clear that Maddie did not want her children to have a grandfather like Kody.
Maddie seemed also upset with how her father treated her siblings and her mother. She wanted to keep her children away from this situation.
Meanwhile his daughter Christine Brown, Ysabel also isolated herself from him with the divorce situation between him and Christine.

Why is Robyn Brown scared of 'Sister Wives' star Kody Brown?
The Sister Wives' star Robyn Brown seemed to be quite scared of Kody Brown. As per her interview with People, she opened up about the end of the plural marriage.
Christine, Janelle, and Meri Brown have all cut ties with Kody Brown thus ending his plural marriage. Robyn said it caused a sudden change in Kody's behavior as all the separation happened within 14 months.
Robyn and Kody's relationship has been severely affected due to this as Kody has bottled up his emotions. He seems to be cranky, moody, hurt and frustrated most of the time. The divorce has led to Kody trying to sabotage his relationship with Robyn.
Kody considered even ending his relationship with Robyn despite such a hard situation. Even though Robyn seems to be quite understanding about the situation she seems scared about his anger issues and fights over petty issues.