Is Jordana Barnes Sam Logan's 'side piece'? Siesta Key fans say he's 'pretending' to be with Juliette Porter

What's 'Siesta Key' without some good ol' pot-stirring. Could Sam Logan, who claims to be in a committed relationship with Juliette Porter, have avoided inviting long-time friend Jordana Barnes to Palm Island? In an ideal world, the answer would have been yes. But well, the drama must go on.
Porter is already clashing with Barnes and therefore, putting them together on a holiday planned by Logan will only intensify the differences. Meanwhile, viewers have already made up their minds about Barnes being Logan's "side piece."
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Barnes and Logan may be BFFs now but there was a time when the lines between being friends and friends with benefits were a bit blurred. After dating ex-girlfriend Brittany Russell for a decade, Barnes and Logan hooked up briefly only to go their separate ways. But she's back now in his life now and from the looks of it will leave a trail of damage.
There's chemistry there somewhere and it's palpable, which possibly worries Porter. However, given the kind of space she holds in his life, she can breathe easy.
The time off was a much-needed break for both Logan and Porter. The only hope is that they are able to enjoy the vacation as a couple without having to explain their past mistakes.
Meanwhile, fans have weighed in with their two cents about the couple. Some feel that Barnes is Logan's "side piece" and that they are pretending to be in love. The kisses, apparently, seem forced.
"I’m getting the vibes that Jordana is definitely Sam’s side piece," one user commented on the show's official Instagram page, to which another agreed: "for sure. He still hitting somehow." A third posted: "YESSSS. I honestly think he secretly loves her in his own way. I keep commenting that and people will get offended but watch it play out a couple of years from now."
"Oh for sure he ain't feeling Jp. Zero chemistry forced kisses on camera. Constant pretending, u can only pretend so much. To me they look more like two roomies than lovers," another pointed out.
However, if Porter's interview from last year is anything to go by, we think the two are doing okay. "We have a solid group of friends and he treats me amazing. I’m happy with him. I trust him," she told Life & Style Magazine in August 2020, and added: "He gives me a feeling that I never felt with Alex. And that’s like someone that actually is not going to hurt me. That sort of feeling... Sam is the sweetest ever. He’s so sweet. He’s so kind. And he’s funny."
Catch all the new episodes of 'Siesta Key' on MTV every Wednesday at 8/7c. For more information, check your local listings.