IT'S HAMMER TIME! Beachgoers horrified as massive Hammerhead shark hunts stingrays just feet from shore

MOBILE, ALABAMA: A viral video shared on Facebook shows a huge hammerhead shark trailing behind stingrays near an Alabama beach. The shocking scene was captured by Catarena Peek on Monday, August 15, who then shared it on her social media page.
The one minute and 25 second-long video also showed a group of people watching the horrifying scene while a few swimmers got out of the water as the predator came close to the beach. Peek said that she was staying at the Regency Isle condos at Orange Beach with her boyfriend Alec Deshotel and his family when she filmed the chase.
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Deshotel, who is a frequent visitor to Orange Beach every year with Peek, told FOX 10, "This is the first time we have ever seen anything like this for sure. I look out the window...and there it is. Massive 10 to 12-foot hammerhead, whatever it is, I don’t know but it was a big one. We don't know how big it was but it was massive."
Peek added, "There was some man down there screaming that there was a shark and I guess they finally saw the dorsal fin and they realized how close he started getting so they started jumping out of the water as fast as they could."
"I just ended up videoing it and it was a really cool video so I just posted to Facebook thinking a couple hundred of my friends would find it kind of cool and then all of a sudden, I looked down at my phone and it was over 100,000 views and I was like, 'Oh, that’s pretty cool,'" Peek said. Deshotel sais, "Once in a lifetime kind of experience for sure. It was just really cool to watch."
At the time this article was aritten, the video received more than five million views with thousands of comments. A user wrote below the clip, "Crazy how fast they are." A second user commented, "I bet after those people witnessed that, no one went back in the water for the rest of their vacation." Another wrote, "And they still stand by the water. What is wrong with people. If he is hungry enough he will beach itself and snatch u up." "Baby shark ‘mommy I can’t go play by the beach it’s too peopley…’ mommy shark ‘give me a couple of minutes honey,'" another shared.
A person said, "OMG! I would have a heart attack if I was in the water with that! WOW!" Another person said, "Now, if they all behaved like that the shark attacks would be easier to avoid.” A comment read, "I also have seen by watching Shark week that when they come that close they could be hurt also." "Shark in its natural habitat gets closer... YT folk- well golly gee, what do we have here today? Let's get closer and evade its personal home and space then, possibly "adopt it" because we love zoos,” another user said.