SHOCKING videos show Afghan moms throwing kids over barbed wire, begging soldiers to take them

As the situation in Afghanistan gets worse with each passing day, several heartbreaking and shocking accounts, pictures and footage are coming out presenting the devastating situation of the civilians there. Harrowing videos that have gone viral on the internet show desperate Afghan parents passing and throwing their kids over Kabul airport’s barbed wire to British soldiers so that the kids can live a better life away from the Taliban.
Describing the situation, a British officer of the Parachute Regiment told The Independent, “The mothers were desperate, they were getting beaten by the Taliban. They shouted, ‘save my baby’ and threw the babies at us, some of the babies fell on the barbed wire. It was awful what happened. By the end of the night there wasn’t one man among us who was not crying.”
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People are so desperate to escape the #Taliban that they’re passing babies and kids forward to the gate at #Kabul airport. #kabulairport #AfghanEvac
— Matt Zeller (@mattczeller) August 18, 2021
Can’t comprehend the desperation to hand over your baby to a soldier to possibly never see them again. #Afghanistan
— Aurora Intel (@AuroraIntel) August 19, 2021
Este es el momento en que soldados estadounidenses ayudan a niñas y mujeres afganas a trepar el muro del aeropuerto de #Kabul, en #Afganistán, en medio del caos que se vive en la capital tras el regreso de los #talibanes al poder.
— Noticias Telemundo (@TelemundoNews) August 19, 2021
🎥 @risetopeace
These videos showed the desperation of the helpless parents who just want their kids safe, away from the rule of the Taliban, even if that means miles away from them.
A Sky News report detailed how hard the situation has become in the landlocked country, especially for women and children. Also, soldiers from the US, France, Spain, Turkey and Poland also have to face difficulties and dilemmas while dealing with the people victimized by the Taliban. Everything is chaotic, still, they have to follow some protocols, like checking passports and paperwork. They also have to send people back into Afghanistan, back towards the Taliban, if their paperwork is not right.

A woman in Afghanistan told Sky News’ chief correspondent Stuart Ramsay, “Afghanistan is Taliban. Taliban is terrorist. My husband is a terrorist Tali,” before saying she along with her four-year-old daughter can go anywhere, “America, Canada, France, me and just my daughter…” A doctor from Herat, who is seeking asylum with her sister and her mother, said: “We don't have brother, we don't have father, you know that living in here is very difficult for us.”
“They want to obligate us into forced marriage. I am a doctor and my sister was working with women's rights, she studied, and my mother is a teacher, my mother was a teacher…” she added.

Meanwhile, a lot of people have reacted to the harrowing video shared on Twitter that showed kids being thrown over barbed wire. The clip has garnered more than 600K views. A user tweeted, “Reminds me of pictures of Vietnam where the mothers were handing babies over to US military to be evacuated.” The second one wrote, “My heart is breaking. I am in tears. To give up your babies, children for their safety. Go without you across sea with strangers so they are not killed #SaveAfghanWomen #SaveAfghanistanFromTaliban #SaveAfghanChildren I have to go to work and I am sobbing for these parents.”
Reminds me of pictures of Vietnam where the mothers were handing babies over to US military to be evacuated
— PolkaDot (@DEB_PolkaDot) August 18, 2021
My heart is breaking. I am in tears. To give up your babies, children for their safety 😢Go without you across sea with strangers so they are not killed #SaveAfghanWomen #SaveAfghanistanFromTaliban #SaveAfghanChildren I have to go to work and I am sobbing for these parents
— didi gruenwald (@didigruenwald) August 18, 2021
If you ever feel useless.....
— غريب الديار 💕 (@UsaDheini) August 18, 2021
just remember that, it took the USA 4 presidents, thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and 20 years to...
replace Taliban with Taliban.

A person sarcastically wrote, “If you ever feel useless..... just remember that, it took the USA 4 presidents, thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and 20 years to... replace Taliban with Taliban.” Another one asked, “Is it possible to adopt one of the children?? We have been trying to grow our family but unfortunately have had difficulties. We are Afghan American and it would be an honor for us to save one of those children. This is just heartbreaking to watch.” “heart breaking. Still people on twitter question the situation. If you have a heart, imagine passing your baby/kids like this ... We don't know how devastating traumatic this is for the families. We just can not comprehend what these families think about mankind, we're all family,” a tweet added.
Is it possible to adopt one of the children?? We have been trying to grow our family but unfortunately have had difficulties. We are Afghan American and it would be an honor for us to save one of those children. This is just heartbreaking to watch.
— 5 Minute Advice (@5minuteadvice) August 19, 2021
heart breaking. Still people on twitter question the situation. If you have a heart, imagine passing your baby/kids like this ... We don't know how devastating traumatic this is for the families. We just can not comprehend what these families think about mankind, we're all family
— #Bitcoin (@CoinmarketSwot) August 19, 2021
Este es el momento en que soldados estadounidenses ayudan a niñas y mujeres afganas a trepar el muro del aeropuerto de #Kabul, en #Afganistán, en medio del caos que se vive en la capital tras el regreso de los #talibanes al poder.
— Noticias Telemundo (@TelemundoNews) August 19, 2021
🎥 @risetopeace
Can’t comprehend the desperation to hand over your baby to a soldier to possibly never see them again. #Afghanistan
— Aurora Intel (@AuroraIntel) August 19, 2021