SEVEN anti-vaxx doctors get Covid-19 after gathering at Florida Covid conference

As many as seven doctors have been diagnosed with Covid-19 shortly after they attended a conference for the deadly disease in Florida. More shockingly, all the seven doctors happen to be staunch anti-vax advocates and even include a senior medic who took 'horse drug' Ivermectin for 16 months. "I have been on Ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I. I have never felt healthier in my life," 71-year-old Dr Bruce Boros unabashedly admitted at the recent conference at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Florida. He reportedly fell ill with Covid-19 barely two days later.
Around 800 to 900 people gathered for the Covid-19 Summit organized by Dr John Littell. However, Boros and the other six anti-vaxxer doctors fell sick "within days of the conference". They were later diagnosed with Covid-19 after testing. Meanwhile, Dr. Boros's condition is reportedly critical at present and he is undergoing self-treatment at home, according to insider sources.
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Though the FDA has strongly advised against the use of Ivermectin, a drug for farm animals, on Covid-19 patients, a few doctors still continue to administer or prescribe the same to their patients. Dr Bruce Boros, a Florida-based cardiologist, has been one such Ivermectin enthusiast, who started taking the drug regularly as part of a personal research project. He and his family members have been on the drug since last summer, as well as many of his patients.
However, Boros's 97-year-old father later opted for getting the Covid vaccine, despite his strict disapproval. Dr Boros relayed the same at the Florida conference, saying, "He's been brainwashed. He got it. He didn't tell me. I was very upset. I wanted to give him a spanking. He got both jabs. We're seeing astronomical numbers of deaths in people that have been vaccinated, particularly the older people."
His father contracted the virus soon after and died barely hours before Boros attended the conference. At the summit, Boros blamed the vaccine for his father's death and regretted taking him off Ivermectin after vaccination. However, other doctors have considered the case of his father as a breakthrough case, where patients with fading immunity get the shot with underlying health issues or Covid.
Meanwhile, organizer Dr Littel denied allegations that the summit was a super-spreader. "I think they had gotten it from New York or Michigan or wherever they were from. It was really the people who flew in from other places," he told the Daily Beast.