Saweetie eating a Big Mac reminds Internet of Lizzo, fans point out double standards in body-shaming

The internet clearly can't seem to get over Lizzo's weight. Singer Saweetie recently took to her Instagram live to post a video of her eating a Big Mac. As soon as fans watched Saweetie's video, unfortunately, the first thought that crossed several fans' minds wasn't concerned over Saweetie's health or dietary habits, but the imagination of Lizzo eating the big mac.
Internet users soon began slamming fans who compared Saweetie's diet to Lizzo's. A fan tweeted, "Lizzo is Vegan. Saweetie ate a Big Mac concoction. One was fat-shamed. The other is praised for her looks. This world I live in. Whew." Another said, "Is Lizzo really trending because people are mad that Saweetie isn't fatshamed for eating a Big Mac concoction? If you see a skinnier girl eating more, and the first thing that pops into your mind is: 'But if THIS OTHER GIRL did this...' You're the shamer. You got issues," wrote a fan. Another fan shared, "The fact that you see saweetie eating a Big Mac and the first thing you think about is lizzo shows that you’re just as guilty for the very thing you’re accusing other ppl of doing."
Many fans pointed out how getting Lizzo to trend because Saweetie ate a burger could be disrespectful to Lizzo. A fan expressed, "The fact that multiple people brought up Lizzo unprovoked on that Saweetie video while also tryna push the narrative that she's getting healthy and working out is WILDLY disrespectful to her and it's hilarious y'all haven't realized that." Another fan echoed similar thoughts with, "For clarification: I don’t gaf about saweetie eating what she wants. do your thing girl. I’m just saying fat people should be treated the same. Lizzo was literally doing what so many of you twitter doctors tell fat people to do everyday and she was STILL shamed. f*** y’all."
Lizzo has recently announced that she has moved to a plant-based diet. The singer frequently shares vegan recipes on her TikTok videos for her fans. Despite Lizzo's healthy lifestyle, fans associating unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle with her is indeed disrespectful. Several fans also pointed out the fact that while nobody criticized Saweetie for eating an unhealthy burger, people wouldn't have stayed mum if Lizzo was seen eating a big mac. "They weren’t saying that skinny girls don't get body shamed but no matter what lizzo does ppl pretend to be doctors and say it’s not healthy so if it’s not healthy the same should apply when a skinny girl eats a fast food frie burger bcuz it’s still unhealthy."