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Savannah Hensley: 5-yr-old calls 911 to save dad, has hilarious convo with dispatcher

Savannah Hensley surprised the 911 dispatcher by remaining calm and collected throughout the crucial emergency call
UPDATED JUN 16, 2021

Savannah Hensley was only five years old when she was forced into an emergency situation. But the little girl held on to her own when her dad started experiencing chest pains all of a sudden and even had trouble breathing. He called 911 but was unable to speak to them. That's when Savannah took over and handled the situation bravely. Not only was she composed the whole time in the face of an emergency, she somehow managed to lighten the mood as well. The 911 dispatcher was surprised but also grateful that she was not panicking and conveyed the situation clearly.

"My Dad can hardly breathe," she told the dispatcher wasting no time at all. She was assured that help was on the way to which she responded, "You need to get here real fast." The dispatcher then asked the little girl vital information that would help speed up the emergency process. After finding out if her dad was still awake, Savannah was asked to unlock the front door. Before leaving to unlock the door, in a touching moment she said, "Don't worry dad!" She then stayed on the line filling in the dispatcher with her dad's medical history. 

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Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Jason Bonham, the man who received the call, was impressed with how collected the five-year-old was. In the midst of the chaos, Savannah suddenly became concerned about how she and her dad were in their jammies. She wanted to change before the emergency services arrived. “Most people, when you talk with them, they’re so hysterical,” he noted, according to Bored Panda. “Every time I’ve listened to it, it’s amazing. She’s just a little person.” He made sure Savannah did not leave her dad alone to go change in case the situation became dire before the ambulance arrived. The little girl had two priorities at that point. Deciding what to wear, and getting help for her dad, stat.

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Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

"I don't know what I'm gonna wear, but... he really needs oxygen, real fast," she told Bonham. He kept Savannah engaged by conversing with her and getting regular updates about her dad's condition. "So far, so good," she kept repeating to the dispatcher. But Savannah really wanted to go to her room real quick and change out of her tank top. Bonham then told her, "Say, Savannah. I really want you to stay with your dad okay? I need you to make sure he stays awake." The little girl did as she was told and stayed by her father's side even reassuring her dad and asking him to stay calm.

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Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Savannah also took the opportunity to warn the dispatcher that they had a dog at home named Lou. She told him that the dog was small and friendly but barked a bit. She even made sure her dog felt reassured in the situation. "The ambulance is on the way. Come on Lou Lou," she told her dog. The adorable and brave exchange captured the hearts of people got a lot of attention.

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube


Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube