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Sandra Bullock’s tense 2009 interview with Matt Lauer proves the warning signs were always there

Given Lauer’s eventual downfall amid multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, this interview is seen as a glaring red flag that many missed at the time.
Screenshot of Sandra Bullock and Matt Lauer from the show 'The Today Show.' (Cover Image Source: YouTube | NBC)
Screenshot of Sandra Bullock and Matt Lauer from the show 'The Today Show.' (Cover Image Source: YouTube | NBC)

Over the years, Hollywood has seen its fair share of uncomfortable interviews, but few have aged as poorly as Matt Lauer’s 2009 interview with Sandra Bullock. While Bullock handled herself with the class and professionalism that have defined her career, Lauer’s inappropriate comments and consistent focus on her nudity in ‘The Proposal’ made for a cringe-worthy exchange that continues to resurface for all the wrong reasons. Given Lauer’s eventful downfall amid several allegations of sexual misconduct, this interview is now seen as a glaring red flag that many missed at the time. When Bullock appeared on ‘The Today Show’ in 2009 to promote the film, she likely expected to discuss the film.


As per The Things, instead, Lauer fixated on the fact that Bullock had a nude scene in the film, making repeated, inappropriate comments that were creepy even then—but are downright disturbing in hindsight. Lauer wasted no time in steering the conversation toward Bullock’s on-screen nudity, opening with,  "The major thing that's changed since you were here last — I have now seen you naked." Bullock, maintaining her composure, responded, "I am so sorry about that… were you able to sleep afterward.” Lauer then took it a step further, mentioning that the image was now his screensaver—an alarming comment that set the tone for the rest of the interview. As Bullock tried to discuss the film, Lauer kept bringing the topic back to her nudity. He asked again, "Did I mention you have a nude scene in this movie?" To which Bullock, replied, "Pretty much from the time you opened your mouth."


Despite Lauer’s relentless focus on her body, Bullock expertly explored the situation, keeping the conversation lighthearted. When Lauer implied that she was naked for most of the movie, she firmly corrected him, “Not n*ked for most of this movie, maybe emotionally n*ked” She also clarified that while she had previously vowed never to do a nude scene, she made an exception, emphasizing, "I would never do a naked sex scene, but for comedy, I totally would. I'm an actor. It's not really me [getting naked]."


Bullock’s interview was not the only time Lauer made female guests uncomfortable. Actress Anne Hathaway also had an upsetting experience with Lauer after a paparazzi photo of her led to an invasive question on ‘The Today Show.’ He blatantly said, "I've seen your vagina." Hathaway, though visibly uncomfortable, responded with poise. Lauer’s inappropriate behavior finally caught up with him in 2017 when NBC fired him after several women came forward with allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct. Reports detailed disturbing incidents, including Lauer allegedly having a secret button under his desk to lock his office door and gifting a co-worker a sex toy.


As per Fandom Wire, after this incident, many of his past interviews have been reevaluated, with critics pointing out that the warning signs were there all along. While Bullock’s interview was disturbing for its inappropriate tone, Tom Cruise’s infamous 2005 interview with Lauer took on a different kind of tension. The two clashed over psychiatry and Cruise’s strong opposition to antidepressants, with Cruise telling Lauer, “I’ve never agreed with psychiatry, ever. Before I was a Scientologist I never agreed with psychiatry. And when I started studying the history of psychiatry, I understood more and more why I didn’t believe in psychology.” The heated exchange became one of Cruise’s most infamous moments.