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'Riverdale' Season 4 Episode 13: Did Jughead fake his death to take down Bret? Fans have some wild theories

While this episode caught up to the flashforwards that have been teased since Season 3, whether or not Dark Betty killed Jughead wasn't nailed down as a fact
Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones (The CW)
Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones (The CW)

Spoiler alert for Season 4 Episode 12: 'Chapter Seventy: Ides of March'

This episode saw the fall of Forsythe Pendleton Jones III aka Jughead Jones (Cole Sprouse), and while we have to wait two weeks before we find out the deets behind the murder, fans have started to speculate possible theories around his death. Going head-to-head with #1 enemy Bret Wallis (Sean Depner) at Stonewall prep, Jughead has managed to become a pawn in the murderous scheme of the Quill and Skull society. 

While this episode caught up with the flashforwards that have been teased since Season 3, the reveal behind if Dark Betty killed Jughead wasn't nailed down as a fact. Fans, who have waited weeks to find out who killed Jughead are now wondering if the Serpent King really is dead?

"Jughead had a plan... he ain't dead... something else is happening, I'll fight everyone on this lol #riverdale," tweeted a hopeful fan referring to the scene where Jughead tells Betty that he has a plan to take down Bret and get back the sex tape he has on them. He, however, does not reveal the plan to her. While all we were shown is the dark figures of Bret and Jughead treading the woods, that attack on Jughead wasn't explicitly revealed.

Instead, the series hinted that Dark Betty may have been hypnotized by Donna Sweett (Sarah Desjardins) as the scene then skips to the infamous flashforward of Archie Andrews (KJ Apa) asking Betty what she had done while she stood next to her boyfriend Jugheads' body holding bloody rocks. "JUGHEAD IS NOT DEAD... WE DIDNT SEE IT HAPPEN... #RIVERDALE," tweeted a fan, and we agree — facts are facts. 

It's 'Riverdale', so Jughead faking his death is plausible and fans still have faith. "I’m hoping they did some big grand ass plan scheme to expose stonewall by prep by jughead faking his death but who knows. #Riverdale," tweeted another fan. One claimed, "This has to be part of Jughead’s book. No way that was 'real life'. #Riverdale," and this might be a viable theory but we have to wait and watch.

Jughead's storyline is centric to the 'Riverdale' plot. From his narration to his serpent antics, the character has helped push a lot of other character narratives forward. "I can't be the only one who will quit watching if Jughead is dead. Cole is the whole show #Riverdale," tweeted a fan. 

We are on the same level of sentiments as this fan, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? FEBRUARY 26th... IT IS GOING TO FEEL LIKE THE LONGEST TWO WEEKS OF MY LIFE my brain won’t be able to stop thinking about what happened to jughead & my theories about what may or may not have actually happened at the end of tonight’s episode  AHH #Riverdale."

'Riverdale' airs Wednesdays at 8 pm EST on The CW.