RHODubai: Caroline says she'll carry Sergio's baby despite nearly dying during previous pregnancy

Is it called being a hopeless romantic or just being plain stupid, to risk one's life for love? After escaping death by a whisker during her previous pregnancy, 'RHODubai' star Caroline Stanbury is ready to risk it all yet again by declaring that she would be carrying her new young husband Sergio Carrallo's baby herself.
The recently aired episode of the Bravo show featured, the newly married couple enjoying a hearty breakfast with their family and friends when the topic of pregnancies popped up. Caroline casually shares that her friend Michael would be helping them with their IVF. Caroline is then asked if she was planning on carrying the baby herself, to which she replies saying yes. On hearing her response, Caroline's ex-sister-in-law/ best friend Sophie Stanbury chimed in saying it might not be the best idea by pointing out how she nearly died while she was pregnant with her twins.
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Sergio gets curious on hearing this new piece on information but shrugs it off saying it could probably be because she was carrying twins and there wasn't enough space in her womb. Sophie explains to Sergio that it had nothing to do with her womb, and reveals how her blood pressure was high, and everything that could go wrong went wrong while she was pregnant ith her babies. As a concerned husband, Sergio tries helping out by suggesting how if things get "worse" again, then they can just "pull it out" and "put it in someone else".
Everybody at the table was amused by Sergio's understanding of pregnancy and tried explaining to him that pregnancy didn't work that way and brushed it off. Caroline then admitted in her confessional that due to her pre-eclampsia pregnancies have always been difficult for her. Now, adding her age into the mix alongside pre-eclampsia further complicated things, but the housewife announced that her doctor gave her the green signal to carry a baby. So, she decided to carry Sergio's baby. In case you're wondering what pre-eclampsia is, it a condition that usually begins during pregnancy, usually after 20 weeks. The symptoms of this condition include high blood pressure. Pre-eclampsia can be fatal to both mother and the baby.
In a previous episode, Caroline was very concerned about how Sergio's desire to have his own family could tear their relationship apart. She tried suggesting a surrogate to him, but the former Real Madrid player refused to have a surrogate carry his baby and insisted that only Caroline carry his child.
'Real Housewives of Dubai' airs every Wednesday at 9/8c on Bravo.