Did B Simone plagiarize viral Valentine's Day video? Rapper shuts down women claiming she stole their content

A new video of B Simone recently went viral in which she challenged women's double-standards and is now being accused of plagiarism. Initially, the 30-year-old rapper took to her social media for a Valentine's Day message on love. More specifically, the video she posted addressed women who have set high standards for their men but can't live up to the same expectations imposed on them.
"We got all these things we want in a man, a list of things. He gotta be tall, gotta be dark, gotta be handsome, gotta have pretty teeth, he gotta be a family man, gotta be financially stable, gotta be rich, gotta be successful. He gotta be all these things. And we ain't even have the things on that list," she said during the beginning of the video.
To close her message, she challenged women to "Fix you. Fix you," adding, "You heal. Let's become the person we wanna attract, how about that? That's the challenge."

Allegations of plagiarism
The clip went viral as the rapper trended on Twitter but received mixed opinions from users. It didn't take long for the video to provoke two women to allege that she stole their content. One of the women, with the alias iamdonniip on Instagram, wrote a response to B Simone, as shared by The Shade Room. "The same shit I said 2 weeks ago some women dragged me for but the moment BSimone says the shit y'all d**k ride," she said.
"Mannnn listen y'all know where y'all seen that shit at first. Shoutout to everyone who's been tagging me in that post saying she stole my shit y'all the real ones for even rocking with me," she added.
The second woman (j_neese on Instagram) posted a video which she captioned, "@thebsimone stole from @jpwritespub book THE LIST: Are You on it? This was written back in 2014 aid on live in 2017, ebook originally published 2019 & print in 2020." She added these hashtags: "#bsimone #theshaderoom #jpwrites #thelist."
In a lengthy video, she began, "It's been a while since I did one of these, but today is one of those days where you just gonna have to come on here and speak the truth, because if you don't, people will just run with your stuff and call it their own."
She continued, "So, as the saying goes, 'once a thief, always a thief'. So B Simone has been in the headlines before for stealing from authors, passing the work as her own, then claiming that her team did it behind her back. However, here we go again. She's stealing from another author and passing the work as her own."
"Only this time she doesn't have a book out yet, but I feel like if I know what I know, it's coming and she's gonna claim it was her's from the beginning." She then goes on to discuss her book and the timing of its writing/publishing. Watch the video below.
B Simone responds
B Simone responded with a clip of her own that didn't directly address her accusers' allegations, but she appeared less serious about the matter, including a few jokes. "Make your list," she said, noting "Moses made the list, the first list, the Ten Commandments."
"I got a list of errands I gotta run tomorrow. I don't cook, but I'm sure if I did I would have a grocery list," she said while laughing. "I got a list of people on my block list. I got a list of people I gotta email back." Simone continued, "Who was the first person to make a list 'cause it wasn't one of us."
"The first person to make a list is deceased." She then expressed. "That's hilarious to me. To me, to you. I'm a stealer? Well, you stealing my piece. You a stealer! You a stealer, you stealing my piece. Leave me alone, b****."
The two women who alleged that B Simone's plagiarized their content are yet to comment further. Did B Simone steal their content? Tell us what you think in the comments below.