'Project Blue Book' Season 2 Episode 8: Creator's true story reveal about 'UFO' clash leaves fans speechless

A nuclear bomb disappearing from a North American aircraft is not something that hasn't happened before, as the History website informs. While one might think that was the inspiration behind Episode 9 of 'Project Blue Book' Season 2, director David O'Leary has now revealed that 'Broken Arrow' was inspired by events closer to home.
In a descriptive tweet, the Season 2 director revealed: "Tonight’s episode is inspired by the 1953 Kinross UFO Incident where a U.S. Air Force jet was scrambled to intercept a fast-moving #UFO. It collided with it and then VANISHED — not only radar — the plane itself was never found."
In a follow-up tweet, he also added: "In the real Kinross UFO Incident, a search-and-rescue pilot stated in testimony to the Accident Board that he believed that he’d heard a brief radio transmission from the missing pilot about 45 minutes AFTER the plane disappeared."

Later, in a third tweet, the director also addressed how the whole "missing nuclear asset lost in transit" was inspired by "the real-life 1950 British Columbia B-36 crash, which is believed to be the first such nuclear weapons loss in our history". As usual, he has been able to blow the entire fandom's mind once again with the insightful tidbits he keeps dropping as the show airs on the History channel.
"David O'Leary your information knowledge is outstanding," wrote a fan in response to the director's generous dollops of information behind the inspiration for each episode. Another fan wrote, "@davideoleary I thought I was deep into this subject, but compared to you I'm just dipping my toes #ProjectBlueBook."
Before setting off into their investigation, Hynek tells a suspended Quinn that maybe they should take up one last case, as he himself approaches sabbatical too. And worried fans beg director O'Leary not to make this the final season of the show. "This better not mean the show is ending at season 2. We need another season of #ProjectBlueBook!" wrote one worried fan.
For other fans, it was mostly about the cinematography of this episode — armed with flying saucers, blinding UFO lights and plans snapping in half as Hynek and Quinn go on to investigate the crash in the thick of woods. "Dark, enigmatic & mysterious" is what fans labeled this installment of the show, with some even going to the extent of calling it, "the best episode of this season so far".
And with just one episode left to go, guess the ball is in fact in 'Broken Arrow's court.
'Project Blue Book' Season 2 airs on Tuesdays at 10 pm only on History.