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Robin Williams

Robin Williams

Robin Williams is a late, beloved actor, and comedian, renowned for his exceptional talent, infectious humor, and enduring contributions to the entertainment industry.

'Actors would learn so much': fans urge director to release 2 million feet film full of star's improvisations for 'Mrs Doubtfire'

'Mrs Doubtfire' director Chris Columbus recalled his experience of filming with Robin Williams and talked about his vision of creating a documentary
Nov 23, 2023

From Robin Williams to Carrie Fisher, stars who died before their final films were released

Hollywood remembered some of its most beloved actors in their last films, released posthumously
Sep 25, 2023

Where are Robin Williams' children now? Actor's family lovingly remembers him on his 72nd birthday

'Was remembering how much I used to love that look you’d give. That look with loving grin that your loved ones knew so well,' Robin Williams' son said
Jul 22, 2023

Why was Robin Williams rejected for 'Harry Potter'? Actor wasn't invited for auditions despite wanting to play Remus Lupin

Director Chris Columbus shared that the late actor would have brought a unique interpretation to the character of Remus Lupin
Jul 21, 2023

Pierce Brosnan recalls 'unforgettable' first encounter with Robin Williams on 'Mrs Doubtfire'

'I was always working with, you know, Mrs Doubtfire. It wasn't till the end of the movie that I met Robin,' claimed Brosnan
Jun 12, 2023

Robin Williams and Christopher Reeve were 'more than brothers' and helped each other in low times

The duo often engaged in deep conversations, shared moments of laughter, and offered unwavering support to one another through the years
May 30, 2023

The last days of Robin Williams: ‘Patch Adams’ star was 'hiding sadness' in final interview, fans claim

Robin Williams had an uncharacteristically sulking demeanor during the interview as he spoke about his last role
May 23, 2023