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Julian Sands

Julian Sands

What did Sarah Sands say about Julian Sands? 'A Room with a View' actor's ex-wife appears in first interview since his death

'I look back on Julian with total fondness. He was beautiful, sweet and so young. But there was a core of the unknowable about him,' Sarah Sands said
Aug 19, 2023

Who is Bill Dwyer? Hiker who found Julian Sands' remains on Mt Baldy calls discovery 'surreal'

'It was surreal,' said Bill Dwyer about discovering Julian Sands' remains
Aug 11, 2023

What is Julian Sands' official cause of death? 'Ocean's Thirteen' actor went missing while hiking on California's Mount Baldy

'Julian was a great friend and client. He chose interesting projects that mattered to him,' said Sarah Jackson, Julian Sands' manager
Jul 24, 2023