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Casey DeSantis

Casey DeSantis

'The View' host Ana Navarro defends her 'below the belt' dig at Florida Gov Ron DeSantis' wife Casey DeSantis

Internet rushes to support Ana Navarro as she defends her comment against Ron DeSantis' 'Stepford wife' Casey DeSantis
Oct 5, 2023

Why is Casey DeSantis being called 'America's Karen'? Outrage over MSNBC panel's diss mocking Florida's first lady

John Capehart kicked off the discussion by playing an advertisement for Casey’s initiative and remarking that it was 'really dark'
Jul 10, 2023

Where did Casey DeSantis graduate from? First Lady of Florida's early life and career explored amid Mamas campaign debut

Casey DeSantis' Mamas for DeSantis campaign seeks to promote her husband Ron DeSantis as the face of the parents' rights movement
Jul 9, 2023

Does Casey DeSantis have cancer? Florida first lady is the force behind Ron DeSantis's presidential campaign

'As long as I have breath in my body, I will go out and I will fight for Ron DeSantis,' Casey recently said
Jul 8, 2023

Who are Casey DeSantis' parents? Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' wife makes solo campaign debut in Iowa

Florida's first lady made her first solo public appearance on July 6, in Johnston, Iowa, to support her husband's White House bid
Jul 7, 2023