'Power' Season 6 finale leak: 50 Cent sees a love-hate relationship with fans who want the ending changed
Contains spoilers for Season 6 Episode 15
'Power' fans might be beyond dedicated and loyal to the Starz crime drama but they sure do have a love-hate relationship with executive producer 50 Cent following the alleged leak from the upcoming finale, which the rapper had much to contribute to.
Back in January, 50 Cent decided to shock fans with the jaw-dropping leaked footage of who shot everybody's beloved James 'Ghost' St Patrick (Omari Hardwick.) After a couple of episodes dedicated to the character's backstory and grievances against Ghost, the clip showed Tasha St. Patrick possibly pulling the trigger on her estranged husband. Additional footage from the clip showed Tariq St. Patrick shooting Ghost.
This had immediately sent fans buzzing on social media as they tallied the conflicting hints in both the leaked footages, but before all of this could have transpired, Fifty himself had threatened the network — Starz TV on Twitter in a now-deleted tweet (again), saying that he would leak the remaining episodes.
And now in the highlight of the Super Bowl LI replacing the Season 6 and series finale of 'Power' aka Episode 15, that was slated to air on February 2 and has now been delayed until next Sunday night, things have only heated up in the fandom, with fans' relationship with Fifty spiralling, yet somehow salvaging with regards to the show.
In the short time that has passed since the show, Fifty himself has also noted the fickle-minded response of fans who have been cursing him one night and suddenly turning to his side the other. Addressing the quick changes in opinions, he tweeted demanding an apology from the fandom, writing, "Now everybody loves me again, I wasn't shit last week. say sorry or something nice," with a bunch of angry face emoticons.
This wasn't the first time Fifty tweeted about fans' drifting opinions, as he had written prior: "Y’all some funny motherf*ckers man, called me all kinds names because y’all didn’t like the last episode now we friends again. ain’t this some bullshit. #lecheminduroi #bransoncognac #abdforlife Feb 11." But if asked, fans have steadily maintained a strong opinion of how the show's leaked ending does nothing to serve the justice that the crime drama deserves.
Taking it to Twitter, several of them had come directly at the show's executive producer Fifty, warning him how not changing the leaked ending and running with what they have shown might ruin the strong loyalty the show has garnered.
In the days of leaked endings of the biggest names in network television, it is expected and almost a safety net to have alternate endings of series finales or other pivotal episodes shot and ready for airing in case the dreaded thing happens, so for now our only solace is show boss Courtney Kemp having hinted that multiple endings for the show have been filmed.
As shook as some fans are about the Super Bowl live coverage replacing the air time of an episode as crucial as the finale, they are still concerned about Fifty's show going down the drain by labeling the Episode 15 as the 'worst finale' ever.
"Change the f****** ending Power, 50 Cent it’s gonna be bad for ya out here if you air what leaked," tweeted a fan, while another pleaded with the rapper saying: "Yeah now that I’ve seen the ending to power 50 better change it."
Other fans chimed in with opinions about the finale, tweeting: "They better change the damn ending to Power because if what I’ve seen is legit then it’s one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen."
Another wrote, "I hope they change the ending to Power, I hated what I’ve just seen." Writing how the ending doesn't do the show justice, a fan tweeted: "I really hope Power changes the ending because that leaked final episode I saw was underwhelming and was a poor ending to an awesome series. Please I hope they have a trick up their sleeves."
'Power' Season 6 finale, Episode 15 will air on January 9 at 8 pm, only on Starz TV.