Who is Natalia Garibotto? Pope Francis Instagram account caught liking bikini model's raunchy suspenders photo

The Instagram handle of Pope Francis has been making headlines after being caught liking a bikini model's racy suspenders picture. One of the followers of Natalia Garibotto claims to have got a screenshot of the pope's social media account giving a "double like" to a picture of the model.
The news was shared and commented on by the model but the official account of the pope no longer appears to like the picture. In the picture, the Brazilian model is seen posing in suspenders and a skirt which just about goes past her waist. It is unknown whether the official account of the pope quickly un-liked the 27-year-old's picture by mistake or whether the allegedly captured screenshot is real.
The alleged "double click" from the pope had left the model in splits. According to Barstool Sports, she shared, "at least I'm going to heaven" after the screenshot had been circulated. The "like" on the post had left some people disapproving of the interaction while others approved.
A few social media users commented on the news and called out the pope. One such user shared, "dirty old pope." Another commented, "All sex pests them Catholic twats, I wouldn't trust one of them." Yet another shared, "Rather better than little boys shorts."
All sex pests them Catholic twats, I wouldn't trust one of them
— Kev (@miffsmyname) November 14, 2020
Rather better than little boys shorts
— President Elect Rickwoohan2 (projected by Sky) (@Rickwoohan2) November 14, 2020
Just last month, the pope had endorsed same-sex civil unions which was a historic shift for the Roman Catholic church. He had said that homosexual people are "children of God and have a right to be in a family". While speaking in the documentary film 'Francesco', he had said, "What we have to create is a civil union law."
"That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that," he added. Earlier this year, the pope had warned his Catholic followers that gossiping is a plague "worse than coronavirus." While addressing crowds at The Vatican, Pope Francis said that gossip threatens to divide the Catholic Church and that the devil is the "biggest gossiper".
Last week the Pope had congratulated President-elect Joe Biden for his election win. Biden, in turn, had thanked Pope Francis for "extending blessings and congratulations". "The president-elect thanked His Holiness for extending blessings and congratulations and noted his appreciation for His Holiness' leadership in promoting peace, reconciliation and the common bonds of humanity around the world."
Biden's team had released a statement saying that he told the Pope that he would like to work together to further "a shared belief in the dignity and equality of all humankind on issues such as caring for the marginalized and the poor, addressing the crisis of climate change, and welcoming and integrating immigrants."
Pope Francis had a strained relationship with Trump and during early 2019, had called Trump's wall project on the US-Mexico border "madness". When Trump had been looking to be made the Republican nomination in 2016, the Pope had made headlines when he shared that during a visit to Mexico that someone who thinks about building walls instead of bridges "is not Christian".
Trump had responded saying, "For a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful."
These remarks were made by a third-person and individual organizations, MEAWW cannot confirm them independently nor does it support these claims. The respective references are linked in the article