Playmate Jayde Nicole bares it all in support of Florida teen shamed for failing to wear a bra to school

Former Playboy Playmate Jayde Nicole is clearly not one to hide or smother her opinions. Earlier this year, she was asked about her take on the free the nipple movement and she gave it – no holds barred.
TMZ caught up with Jayde and asked her about what she thought of the free-the-nipple campaign, especially pertaining to the 17-year-old Florida student who was forced to cover her nipples with Band-Aids after she forgot to wear a bra to school. Brody Jenner's ex-girlfriend made her opinions abundantly clear.
Jayde stated that she thought it completely unfair how men have all the freedom in the world to walk around shirtless, whereas a woman's nipples are considered taboo. "Everyone has 'em," she said and proved her point by literally freeing her nipples.
Jayde's action of protest was in response to the management of Braden River High School which demanded that student Lizzy Martinez, who went to school without a bra on April 2, wear Band-Aids to cover up her nipples. According to the Bradenton Herald, Dean Violeta Velazquez even told her to put on a second shirt beneath the one she was already wearing.
"She told me that I needed to put a shirt on under my long-sleeve shirt to try to tighten my breasts — to constrict them. And then she asked me to move around." the teen revealed.
Lizzy, who made the story viral by tweeting about it first elaborated on how she felt wronged by the school: "I decided not to wear a bra today and got pulled out of class bc one of my teachers complained that it was a 'distraction to boys in my class.' My school basically told me that boys' education is far more important than mine and I should be ashamed of my body."
Jayde's response to the issue may not be a solution, but it definitely is a talking point about the double standards that society has on nipples on female forms as opposed to male forms.