Piers Morgan exposes ugly 'racism' battle: 'F**k it, I wasn't going to apologize for disbelieving Meghan Markle'

Cancel culture is making waves for putting people under fire for voicing their opinions. And this time, Piers Morgan is taking the reins. Written in the style of a diary for the Daily Mail from March 8 to March 26, the columnist, broadcaster and TV personality defends free speech in the article and says a silent majority hate the "increasingly insidious woke" brigade that brings cancel culture.
Piers wrote for the first time about his dramatic exit from 'Good Morning Britain', where he said he didn't believe Meghan's 'truth' on racism and the Royals, and reiterated that unregulated woke cancel culture will render it "virtually impossible for anyone with an opinionated personality to survive in any workplace".

'Incendiary thoughts'
Morgan wrote that he got to the GMB studios at 4 am to watch the bombshell Oprah Winfrey interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex which had just finished airing in the US. "Ninety jaw-dropping minutes later, I raced round to Susanna Reid's dressing room and we exclaimed in unison: 'My God…'," he said in the Daily Mail report, adding that the royal couple had "just dropped a nuclear-sized scandal bomb into the very heart of the Royal Family".
He then went on to call their claims of racism at the Palace "shocking", along with the alleged refusal by Royal staff to allow Meghan to receive treatment for suicidal thoughts. Markle had stated in the interview that there were concerns in the Palace about 'how dark' the skin tone of their son Archie would be, and that she ended up feeling suicidal and considering self-harm after asking for help but getting none, in case it hurt the Royal brand. Morgan remarked at how unbelievable this allegation was, especially since Prince Harry is attached to some of Britain's biggest mental health charities and has even proudly spoken of getting discreet help for himself in the past.

Morgan said the thoughts "are so incendiary that they could inflict irreparable damage on the Monarchy," adding, "But were they true?" He said he believed lesser and lesser as the interview went on. He brought up the time when Meghan said she had a secret wedding with the Duke of Sussex in their backyard, which has, since, been proved to be a lie. "Really? So, the marriage we all watched was a sham? And Britain's most senior clergyman was in on it, performing an illegal ceremony in a garden?" said Morgan.
The TV show host said Meghan's insistence she never checked out Harry online when they first met or had much interest in his family, were equally implausible. "Her old friends previously revealed how fascinated she'd been with the Royals and Diana in particular," said Morgan. He also picked up Meghan's claim that her passport was taken away, retorting with: "How then did she make all her endless foreign trips?
Archie and 'a falsehood designed for maximum harm'
But far more serious, Morgan said, was the implication that Archie was barred from being a Prince due to the color of his skin. The talk show host said it sounded like "complete nonsense" when Meghan said it, adding that it is. He explained that Archie is not a Prince because the great-grandchildren of the Monarch are not bestowed with the titles 'Prince' or 'Princess' unless they're in the direct line to the throne.
Harry and Meghan's children would have to wait until the heir to the throne Prince Charles became king, at which point they would be the grandchildren of the monarch and hence entitled to be princes or princesses. Morgan said this rule applies regardless of the child's mother's ethnicity, and so, the most serious assertion, which has already "sent racially charged America into a tailspin of outrage, was a falsehood presumably designed to cause maximum harm to the Royals." Morgan said it is the Monarch who decides on such titles, so the couple was "effectively accusing Harry's grandmother and Britain's Head of State of being racist".
'Harry can't be happy doing this, surely?'
He went on to talk about another 'disgraceful betrayal', Meghan's attack on the Duchess of Cambridge for making her cry during a dress fitting incident during the former's wedding, "Harry's bleating about his father supposedly cutting off his money supply and security, and their sustained bitter attack on the Royal institution whose titles they greedily exploit for massive commercial gain."
Morgan said that although such "disingenuous, self-serving wrecking-ball stuff from a social-climbing Hollywood actress" like Meghan could be expected, Harry's 'public shredding' of his family and the Monarchy, while his grandfather Prince Philip was seriously ill in hospital, was "out of character for a man who once bravely served his Queen and country in war".
"He can't be happy doing this, surely?" asks Morgan.
Piers Morgan walks off GMB set after Meghan Markle criticism pic.twitter.com/ci9pKdtqvl
— The Independent (@Independent) March 9, 2021
'Black guests attacked me, using my own skin tone as weapon'
"OK," the GMB host said when talking about Markle's alleged lack of psychiatric help, "Let's have the names. Who did you go to, what did they say to you?" Then, he said he made a more general observation: "I'm sorry, I don't believe a word she says." Co-host Susanna Reid snapped back with a "Well, that's a pathetic reaction to someone who's expressed those thoughts".
"But it was an honest reaction, not to whether she was feeling suicidal – only she knows how she felt – but to the idea that she was banned from getting treatment," said Morgan. He also added that he wasn't the only one who felt that way. Later in the show, black British Army war hero and Victoria Cross winner Sergeant Johnson Beharry, said he didn't believe that a Royal spoke derogatorily about Archie's skin color. "But other black guests attacked me for questioning Meghan's word, using my own skin color as a weapon," said Morgan.
Sharon Osbourne saga summed up on @BBCWorld
— Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu (@SholaMos1) March 27, 2021
"A powerful influential White privileged woman defending Piers Morgan a powerful influential White Privileged man's freedom to deny #MeghanMarkle a bi-racial woman of Black heritage her freedom to speak of racism & mental health issues" pic.twitter.com/AZBYvnYx81
'Bigoted, sexist, racist and misogynist '
Morgan said British-born Nigerian activist, political commentator, author and lawyer, Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu called him a 'liar' and a 'disgrace', 'a wealthy white privileged man with power and influence to aggravate and escalate the bigoted, sexist, racist and misogynist attacks on Meghan Markle'. Talk show host Trisha Goddard branded him a 'bully'. "So, because I'm white, I'm not allowed to doubt the validity of Meghan Markle's two racism claims against the Royal Family, one of which has already been proved to be based on a lie?" noted Morgan.
Morgan said that the hashtag #AbolishTheMonarchy began trending on Twitter, proving just how damaging the Sussex's claim had been. He said that people began saying Morgan was 'racist' and 'mocking mental illness' and demanding he be fired. "It didn't matter that I've never said anything racist about her or that my only comments about her race have been to repeatedly say how great it was that a bi-racial woman married into the Royal Family," he said, adding that Meghan's "fork-tongued 'truth' is now a racist hate crime". Morgan also added that his three sons are being targeted. "One troll vowed to murder me in front of them," and added: "When your dad dies, the world will have a party'," said Morgan.
'You can't have 'lived experience' if the basis is a lie'
The host went on to explain that on March 9, he was forced to quit. He said he felt a "steam" rising inside of him when co-host Alex Beresford "launched into a very personal attack", who said Morgan had a personal relationship with Meghan, and she cut him off. "She's entitled to cut you off if she wants to," he said, adding: "Has she said anything about you since she cut you off? I don't think she has, but yet you continue to trash her…" Morgan said the implication that his only motivation for disbelieving Markle's outlandish interview claims was because she 'ghosted' him four years ago after they'd been friends for a year and a half.
'Truth, today, can be whatever someone decides it is'
Realizing he might say something he'd regret, Morgan decided to leave the studio to cool down: "the great snowflake-basher running away from confrontation". On reflection, he says: "I shouldn't have done it." He said that Beresford's claim that Meghan was entitled to her 'lived experience' which should be respected was ridiculous. "You can't have a 'lived experience' of racism when the fact you're basing it on is false."
"Sadly, this is where we've now arrived in society: the truth can be whatever someone decides it is, so Meghan Markle must be believed because it's 'her truth'," Morgan goes on to say, and that "if you don't believe Meghan, you're a racist".
The annual results for ITV were announced on Saturday morning and when CEO Dame Carolyn McCall, was asked by reporters if Morgan would lose his job, she replied: '"We are dealing with that as we speak." She also declared about Meghan: "I completely believe what she says." Other ITV executives suggested Morgan to issue an apology to calm things down. "But I don't believe Meghan, so why would I apologize?" he said. GMB's ratings for Friday were the highest in their history, breaking a new record they set only last week.
'To apologize or not to apologize'
While thinking about whether he should apologize or not, Morgan said he wondered what his manager John Ferriter, who guided his career for 12 years, persuaded him to do GMB but who passed away 16 months ago, would have said. He decided to follow his usual advice — "Trust your gut". He said he decided not to apologize.
"And in a free, democratic society, I should be allowed not to believe someone, and to say that I don't believe them," he said. "And even if I did apologize, that wouldn't be the end of it. The woke brigade would keep coming for me, demanding I apologize for everything else they find offensive – which of course, is absolutely everything."
On March 10, he learned that Meghan had made a formal complaint against him. He woke up to countless mails, texts and WhatsApp messages. "Whatever the rights and wrongs," said Bear Grylls, "You've always been unapologetically yourself, and authenticity is a rare commodity." He said that he hopes his "TV wife" Susanna Reid stays friends because she's a "decent person" and they've "been through a lot together". He got a flurry of texts from people asking if they had fallen out, but said that they haven't, adding that Reid has she's "had a repulsive barrel-load" of troll abuse over the years "just for sitting next to (him)".
A No.1 book, £250 million net worth and Trump support
He added that ITV's share price has plunged by five percent since news of his departure from GMB broke, bringing his current net worth to £250 million, "£52 million more than Neymar". On Tuesday, March 23, Morgan's book 'Wake Up', a "clarion call to end woke nonsense and cancel culture!", was in the lows of No. 2,130 on the Amazon chart. On Saturday, it went to No 1. He also said that Donald Trump has backed him, adding however that he's "not sure how helpful this late addition to (his) defence squad is…!"

TV regulator Ofcom stated that Morgan had broken the all-time record number of complaints with 57,000, including one from the Duchess of Sussex. "But more than 300,000 people have now signed petitions for me to get my job back," he said. He also got a lot of support from Britain's top Queen's Counsels. "'I never thought to hear myself say this, but we need the Piers Morgans of this world more than ever," said one, according to the Daily Mail report.
'New woke tyranny'
He also talked about how Sharon Osbourne, wife of rock musician Oxxy Osbourne, was paying a heavy price in America for supporting him. He said that Osbourne has had to hire extra security in her LA home after being "bombarded with death threats".
"This new woke tyranny is as illiberal and dangerous as the fascism it professes to despise," said Morgan.
On March 25, it was revealed that the 'secret backyard wedding' between the Sussexes did not take place. "It would seem the actual truth, as opposed to Meghan's 'truth', is finally emerging," said Morgan. "Do I still have to believe her?" He said that Osbourne's quitting 'The Talk' on March 26 isn't just about Meghan Markle. "No, it's about a far bigger issue than one delusional Duchess, and that's everyone's right to be free to express our honestly held opinions, forcefully and passionately if we feel like it," said Morgan. He described Markle as one of many "whiny, privileged, hypocritical celebrities who now cynically exploit victimhood to suppress free speech, value their own version of the truth above the actual truth, and seek to cancel anyone that deviates from their woke world view".
He then quoted former Prime Minister of Britain Winston Churchill as saying, "Some people's idea of it [free speech] is that they are free to say what they like but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage." He then clarifies his stance, saying that he's not a victim and he hasn't been canceled. He said that in many ways this has been one of the "most exciting and affirmative periods" of his life, adding that if the right to free speech is denied, democracy will die.
"It's time to cancel the cancel culture before it kills our culture," he concluded.