'SNL': Pete Davidson clowns Andrew Cuomo over Covid-19 vaccine but ditches sexual harassment allegations

Pete Davidson, who has been part of 'Saturday Night Live’ (SNL) cast since 2014, once again proved why is he one of the best when it comes to sketch comedy. Showing his versatile acting skills on Season 46 Episode 14 of SNL, Davidson got decked up as Governor Andrew Cuomo in the ‘Cold Open’ segment of the show and clowned him over Covid-19 vaccine.
Davidson got decked up in a dark grey suit teamed up with a wig of grey hair and appeared on the show called ‘So You Think You Can Get the Vaccine’. And guess what, to take the funny segment a notch higher, Aidy Bryant appeared as Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who was recently slammed for his Cancun trip amidst the cold storm crisis.
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Pete Davidson mocks Governor Andrew Cuomo
Kate McKinnon got dressed as American physician-scientist Anthony Fauci to host the segment ‘So You Think You Can Get the Vaccine’ where she welcomes guests such New York Governor Andrew Cuomo played by Davidson, Rexas Senator Ted Cruz played by Aidy Bryant and California Governor Gavin Newsom played by Alex Moffat along with politician Gretchen Whitmer played by another SNL actor. McKinnon’s Fauci opens, “The vaccine rollout is going strong, but it is also very confusing. Who can get it? How? When? Where is it? Do both doses go in the same arm or different arms or what? I don’t know!”
McKinnon’s Fauci introduces Pete Davidson’s Cuomo as, “Currently under fire for futzing with old dead people and also for the kind of sexual harassment allegations that make you go, ‘Yeah, I can see that’” to which Davidson’s Cuomo reverts, “Yes, hello. Nice bodies, some of you. I know, I’m in the friggin’ doghouse again. Remember when your favorite movie was my PowerPoints? Remember, ‘Today is Tuesday?’ When can we go back to that? I mean, come on!”
He also made several funny remarks on the Covid-19 vaccine throughout the segment. Aidy’s Ted Cruz also made a cameo appearance and said, “It is great to be back in New York City.”
She added, “I’m sorry, my arms are tired because I just flew back from Cancun, Mexico. But can you really blame a brother for wanting some sun?” Aidy’s Cruz concludes with his new catchphrase, “Freedom!!!” The sketch shed light on just how difficult it can get for Americans to figure out how and when they can get the Covid-19 vaccine.

‘Funnier than all US talk show hosts’
Social media users did not waste any time to speak on Davidson’s impeccable performance as Cuomo. Speaking on the same, one stated, “Pete Davidson as Cuomo should be a reoccurring segment every snl.” Another added, “I’m not sure when Pete Davidson grew into a versatile sketch player and fantastic Gov. Cuomo, but I’m here for it. #SNL”
A user tweeted, “#SNL Andrew Cuomo and Ted Cruz by #PeteDavidson and #aidybryant are on spot.”
The next one said, “Pete Davidson clowning Gov. Cuomo on #SNL is my absolute favorite.” Another comment read, “No but #SNL really chose the best people to do Cruz and Cuomo (that voice tho!). Aidy and Pete absolutely kill it!!”
Another concluded, “When @SNL holds Newsom, Cuomo and the vaccine debacle more accountable than @CNN, @ABC, @NBC, @POTUS, @SpeakerPelosi & is funnier than all U.S. talk show hosts.”
Pete Davidson as Cuomo should be a reoccurring segment every snl 🤣 pic.twitter.com/LkyQIay3Yq
— Sam Main (@Sammain16) February 28, 2021
I’m not sure when Pete Davidson grew into a versatile sketch player and fantastic Gov. Cuomo, but I’m here for it. #SNL
— Tony DiZinno (@tonydizinno) February 28, 2021
#SNL Andrew Cuomo and Ted Cruz by #PeteDavidson and #aidybryant are on spot🤣🤣🤣
— Esmeralda Dimas (@dimas_esmeralda) February 28, 2021
Pete Davidson clowning Gov. Cuomo on #SNL is my absolute favorite. *chef’s kiss*
— Sonja (@SJWhipp) February 28, 2021
No but #SNL really chose the best people to do Cruz and Cuomo (that voice tho!). Aidy and Pete absolutely kill it!! 🤣
— The BNA ☀️ (@bbnnaa1201) February 28, 2021
When @SNL holds Newsom, Cuomo and the vaccine debacle more accountable than @CNN, @ABC, @NBC, @POTUS @SpeakerPelosi & is funnier than all U.S. talk show hosts
— John Chiv (@wordsworth318) February 28, 2021