Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz snuck MAGA hat into his liberal, Trump-hating mother's casket
The Broward County Sheriff's Department revealed new details regarding the petty move on Cruz's part after his “liberal, anti-gun-type” mother Lynda Cruz's death in 2017.

In a twisted attempt to get the last word in with his mother who he had political differences with, Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz buried her with a "Make America Great Again" cap popularized by President Donald Trump.
According to Miami Herald, a friend of the man behind the massacre of February 14, 2018 told the authorities in a new investigative report that he sneaked the hat into his "liberal, anti-gun" mother's casket knowing fully well that she hated Trump.
In a 425-page file from the Broward County, Florida, Sheriff’s Department reveals the new details regarding the petty move on Cruz's part after his “liberal, anti-gun-type” mother Lynda Cruz's death in 2017.