'Paranormal Caught on Camera' Season 3 Episode 9: Failed seance and haunted manor are major trigger factors

Spoilers for 'Paranormal Caught on Camera' Season 3 Episode 9
In this episode titled 'Seance Possession and More', we see a man under the possession of an evil entity, yet another UFO, ghost hunters being attacked by a poltergeist and tormented spirits of the dead, and of course, a Seance gone horridly wrong. This episode isn't light of course, especially when you see ghost hunters who are experts being terrified over very real paranormal entities.
All of this being caught on camera doesn't make it easier to deduce, but it does show an intense shock factor and makes us wonder, why on earth do these experts want to put themselves in these situations? Ironically, we figure that they do this in order to show that paranormal activity is a real thing and that even though there are many who are skeptical of its existence, it's hard to not believe very convincing camera footage.
One of the cases that stood out had to be the haunted Bracken Fern Manor, a gangster hangout built by mobster "Bugsy" Siegel in California in the 1920s when people indulged rampantly in illegal activity such as gambling and prostitution. It is been known to deliver apparitions, not to mention the deaths of a former caretaker after being thrown out of a third-floor window, a young boy trampled by horses and a "madam of the night" who was either murdered or committed suicide.
While many paranormal enthusiasts seek to rent out the place, the episode shows one group of ghost hunters who had a rather terrifying experience. As much as we would like to spoil it for you, the ghosts of Bracken Fern at Lake Arrowhead CA have enough tricks up their sleeves to get a jump out of the audiences watching. Let's just say the spirits didn't want to be bothered and they made that quite clear.
Two other cases that obviously had us shook would have to be the man that got punched in the face by a poltergeist in a case comically titled 'Spirited Sucker Punch' and another man who becomes possessed by a spirit during a seance. Reviewing episodes such as 'Paranormal Caught on Camera' needs some sort of enthusiasm, you have to be interested in wanting to see how the dead communicate with the living.
However, it is not for the faint of heart. People who like exploring the ways the dead communicate may view this series as subtle, but those that are truly nervous or have experienced paranormal activity that has scared them, videos that the series show can be quite triggering. This would have to be one of the best episodes this season, right up there with Episode 5 that had the rock legend ghost and the audacious apparition of a grandmother.
Like we have reported many other times in our review, the experts of this show don't always have much to give, and it's trying when they are stumped but their expertise beings the series a but of accreditation. Among the many series and youtube videos on the paranormal activity being investigated and explored, it is hard to say that this show stands out specifically. But, it does have its moments when episodes like this air.
'Paranormal Caught on Camera' airs on Sundays at 9 pm ET on the Travel Channel.