'Paranormal Caught on Camera' Season 3 Episode 3: Proof of playground ghosts and spirits attached to objects

Spoilers for 'Paranormal Caught on Camera' Season 3 Episode 3
In this episode of 'Paranormal Caught on Camera,' titled 'A Haunted Gift,' viewers get to see a home being terrorized by an "evil spirit," opening of gates to "more than just the living," and a "creature" spotted in Ireland among much more bizarre yet terrifying circumstances. While horror enthusiasts may think this is menial when it comes to scary stories, people who aren't fans of this genre may not enjoy watching real videos of ghosts caught on tape.
That's just our advice, but the show is absolutely interesting as experts reveal their perspectives on the many scary incidents caught on film, along with stories of government policies, folklore and sometimes just ghost stories that have been passed down a while. The beginning of the episode speaks about the correlation between unexpected or violent deaths to that of spirits unable to move on from the earthly world.
The narrator reveals that the spirits are stuck in "perpetual limbo" settling with hauntings that usually involve "odd noises and poltergeist-like scares." This was a great segway to the first haunting story with ghost hunters themselves, CJ Faison and Sunny. Called in to investigate a home in Sussex Country, Delaware, the duo end up with an experience that seemingly haunts them after the show as well. The family had claimed to be tormented by slamming doors, creepy footsteps and the feeling that they were being watched while they slept — the ghost hunters found that to be plausible.
The haunting was a scary and interesting one, with the investigative duo claiming the place to be dangerous, not even making it through the night themselves. Amid the storytelling and haunting video and audio of the incident we learned quite a few things from experts. Paranormal investigator Brian Cano explains the cold pockets of air felt during a haunting — courtesy of the spirit drawing up the heat around it.
Paranormal journalist Aaron Sagers speaks on how while the ghost can be trying to get your attention, danger is a huge possibility. Sapphire Sandalo, host of 'Stories with Sapphire', admits the spirits could be doing this intentionally, and much more. Also, there is something calling a Spirit Box Phone App that CJ used to get the ghosts to communicate with them, wild fun fact.
Moving on to other ghostly happenings.
Interestingly one thing you'd take away from this episode would be that hauntings don't have to happen on rainy dark nights, it can happen on a "rather pleasant day at a playground." Imagine park equipment moving all on their own? We learn of three playground haunting activities around the world — June 2018 in Delhi, India, 2013 in Ecuador and May 2018 in Greater Manchester, England. All had equipment — swings, merry-go-rounds — moving on their own.
Mark Moran, editor/co-founder of Weird NJ, speaks on the importance of noticing that the videos showed no other evidence of a gust of wind being the cause — the blades of grass remained unmoving, the trees weren't moving, even the second swing next to the ghost swing wasn't moving. Sandalo seems to believe that these are residual hauntings — "something being repeated on a loop," she said. The host explained that this could be the activity of the spirits of children doing the same thing over and over again.
Also, did you know that playground hauntings aren't uncommon? Derek Hayes, the host of 'Monsters Among Us,' brings up the famously haunted playground in Illinois where, in 1925, a tornado killed many school children and their ghosts still haunt that playground. As Hayes said, it could happen anywhere.
The above two cases, also the first two cases of the episode, were explained the longest and were possible the creepiest when it came to daunting proof. The rest of the episode focusses on how energies of spirits can be attached to objects like a toy dog, creatures deep in an Irish lake that appeared to be "huge," spiritual black holes and other things that your brain won't be able to process.
Having footage of the events is possibly the most daunting parts of these episodes, but we have to say that the way the experts speak on their knowledge of energies, spirit, and otherworldly possibilities, is the most interesting part. 'Paranormal Caught on Camera' airs o Sundays at 9 pm ET on the Travel Channel.