'Ozark' Season 4 Part 1 Review: Netflix delivers masterclass in devastation and tension

When it comes to creating engaging content, then Netflix is undoubtedly the best in the business. Since 2017, a series titled ‘Ozark’ has been one of the most-watched shows in the world and the streaming platform continues to treat viewers with extraordinary season year after year. The first three seasons have garnered universal acclaim and won several accolades. But, the story is still not finished and everyone is eager to see if the Byrdes will have a happy ending or not.
Season 4 of the highly anticipated show just dropped on Netflix and fans have already tuned in to get answers to their burning questions. The third edition ended with Navarro (Felix Solis) telling Marty (Jason Bateman) and Wendy (Laura Linney) that this is just the beginning of the cooperation between them. Well, every season has been better than the previous one, but this time they have surpassed all the expectation and given a show that makes us gasp in every scene.
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The show has won six Primetime Emmys and has been nominated for six Golden Globes, yet whenever this show comes out with a new season, we feel that it deserves much more than that. Part one of the show’s fourth and final season is a masterclass in tension and if you want to see a gripping TV show, then ‘Ozark’ Season 4 Part 1 should be on the top of your list.
The Netflix show has always been about a family who has been facing life-threatening situations. However, Season 4 sees Marty, Wendy, Charlotte, and Jonah finally getting to see light at the end of tunnel as they have embarked on their journey. This means, everything could be normal for them and they can live a happy life in Chicago. However, it’s not easy because some of the most dangerous people are after them.
The drama starts from the very first frame when Marty and Wendy are shown cleaning the stains of the blood after Helen’s execution. They are attending Navarro’s child’s birthday party and Navarro has a task for them. He wants Marty to cut him a deal with the FBI that will allow him to walk from his crimes a free man. The primary focus of the season is on how Marty and Wendy present Navarro in front of FBI. However, they face obstacles at every end and some situations make their lives problematic.
The best thing about the latest edition is how it explores relationship. As far as acting is concerned, Julia Garner has once again shown why she is one of the brightest talents in Hollywood. With every scene, she steals your heart away and gives a performance that is so nuanced. She has already won two Emmys for her portrayal for Ruth and fans might see her lifting her third trophy this time around. Julia is extraordinary.

Meanwhile, Laura Linney has also given an exceptional performance as Wendy and it’s a travesty that she hasn’t been recognized for her performance on the show. But this time, Laura could easily be the frontrunner in every upcoming award ceremonies. She bounces back and forth between handling the professional problems and problems with her Jonah. She is fantastic on the show.

However, I feel that the most impressive performance comes from Jason Bateman. Bateman has emerged to be one of the most consistent stars in Hollywood and when you see his performance in the latest edition, you’ll find out how brilliant he is. He is torn between tackling all the tricky situations professionally and trying to bring the family together. He doesn’t want Jonah to go away from the family and tends to take his side. But then, it makes everything bitter with Wendy. So, Bateman’s performance is probably the best we have seen from him so far in his career.

Skylar Gaertner and Sofia Hublitz as Jonah and Charlotte have given brilliant performances once again. Both are different, but they care for each other and are not ready to leave each other’s sides. Alfonso Herrera as Javi is another revelation from the show and I would love to see what he does next.

Lisa Emery (Darlene) and Charlie Tahan (Wyatt) have given extraordinary performances as well.
As a whole, ‘Ozark’ Season 4 Part 1 sees the Byrdes embarking on a journey that’s pointing toward a devastating end. Part 1 perfectly sets up sets the stage for a cohesive and complete finale.
‘Ozark’ Season 4 Part 1 is currently streaming on Netflix.