'Norsemen': Jarl Björn fled Varg's ruthless captivity, but will the defeated warrior return in Season 4?

Spoilers 'Norsemen' Season 3
Season 3 of Netflix's Norwegian comedy 'Norsemen' started an epic war between two powerful Vikings - a war that left many dead and even more left unaccounted for. The war was between Jarl Varg (Jon Øigarden) and his once-upon-a-time best friend Jarl Bjørn (Thorbjørn Harr). One would think that two Vikings who were once best friends would fight over a betrayal that could never be forgiven.
But that is not the case. The two fought the war because Bjørn happened to point out that Varg was balding. It also goes beyond that though. After Varg was told he was thinning on the top, the petty Earl burnt down the house to the ground, killing all of Bjørn's family and also his wife.
If this sounds silly yet hilarious but there is more where that came from. At one point, at the beginning of the war, the two were standing at either end of a massive ground shouting insults at each other unaware that neither party can really be heard. It was Varg who won this war. And not with the help of the dragon that we were promised but with just sheer power. After the war, he captured Bjørn with strict instructions that he will bring the end of his childhood friend.
Once back in the village, he now finds it immensely necessary to set an example for anyone and everyone who would think it alright to comment on someone else's hair. So he chops off all of Bjørn's beautiful, shiny. lustrous mane, the same mane that had given him the power to comment on Varg. That done, he instructs that Bjørn must be tied to a tree in the center of the village so that his lost and forlorn body and bald head can prove to every passerby the gravity of the situation.
Why not kill him immediately though, the warriors and even Chieftain Olav's (Henrik Mestad) warriors point out. Why indeed, Varg says and proceeds to take him to the village to be tied to a tree.
And now they must celebrate their victory. As the Vikings revel in their winnings, it is finally revealed in public what had happened with the senior warriors that were led into the war by Orm (Kåre Conradi). He led them astray on purpose, deflecting from the path so as to avoid fighting in the war altogether. When the war was over, Orm had eaten up all the credit for the fact that none of his warriors was harmed - in fact, all he earned were shoe blisters while the rest of Norheim's warriors were stabbed with swords and whatnots.
But with this in the open now, Varg asks him to leave the celebrations. Outside, Bjørn starts a conversation with him. Now here's the best part about this, given Orm's character so far, it doesn't take a lot to figure that Bjørn is going to escape, but the way Bjørn takes lead is interesting. At the end of the season, Bjørn managed to flee captivity. By wickedly manipulating Orm, Bjørn escapes Varg's clutches. This leaves Orm on a guilty charge of treason along with the charge of not fighting in the war.
While Olav managed to save his younger brother Orm from death with a simple (and cringey) 'Scrotum Whipping', Bjørn is still absent.
We did not see him in Season 1 and 2 either, which tell the events succeeding Season 3, so we're hoping that he will somehow manage to return in Season 4. But how? Especially considering how the whole village left for the West.
All three seasons of 'Norsemen' are currently streaming on Netflix.