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Pics! Nikki Bella celebrates Memorial Day by stripping down to raunchy lingerie in sexy Instagram post

Nikki poses in bed while rocking black lingerie that showcases her cleavage as she peruses a magazine while enjoying a cup of coffee
UPDATED FEB 24, 2020
Nikki Bella (Source:Getty Images)
Nikki Bella (Source:Getty Images)

The Nikki Bella and John Cena drama has been going on for some time now, but that hasn't stopped the brunette beauty from having fun with her wardrobe. The 34-year-old, who recently broke off her engagement with the fellow pro-wrestling superstar, posted a raunchy lingerie picture on the occasion of Memorial Day.

In the new Instagram post, Nikki is seen rocking black lingerie on the bed, which shows off her sexy cleavage. The image, where she is posing while enjoying a cup of coffee, also makes it a point to highlight her amazing legs.

As was previously reported, Nikki was seen out and about with Cena in his Miami neighborhood, which sparked off some heavy reconciliation rumors. Ever since their joint appearance, fans of the couple have been speculating that it's only a matter of time before the derailed couple finds their way back together.

“Nikki and John have been in regular contact ever since they announced their split, and everybody thinks they will definitely get back together again,” an insider close to Nikki shared with Hollywood Life.

“They both realize they made a mistake by splitting up, but it was good in a way because it really made them realize how much they love each other and how much they can’t bear to live without each other.”

The insider also talked about how losing Nikki from his life has made Cena look at his life in a totally new light, and given him the opportunity to reassess his goals in life.

“Losing Nikki really made John reassess his priorities in life, and forced him to admit that he had really been taking her, and their relationship, for granted,” the insider said.

“They’ve had some really great, in-depth conversations over the past week, they’ve been totally truthful with each other and both laid their cards out on the table.”

As for Nikki, she is also ready to reconsider her decision of breaking up her six-year relationship and thinks that Cena is being genuine in his apologies and attempts of getting her back.

“She believes John now when he says he does want kids with her, she thinks he’s being totally genuine and doesn’t think that he’s just feeding her a line in order to get her back,” they added.

“They’re not officially back together yet, but they’re nearly there, and their friends think they’ll be married within the next year and are well on their way to starting a family together.”