'Was certain I was from another planet': Nicholas Cage reveals he thought he was an 'alien' in his childhood

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA: Nicholas Cage has recently revealed that he spent his childhood convinced that he was an alien from another planet.
While speaking to Rampstyle magazine, the 'Ghost Rider' actor admitted that he was "shocked" to find out that he had "normal organs and skeleton" like everyone else. "My father told me he felt like he had to introduce himself to me because I was such an alien. I was shocked the day I went to the doctor’s office as a child and I found out that I had normal organs and a normal skeleton because I was certain I was from another planet," he told the magazine while opening up about being socially awkward and having trouble relating to people.
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However, it is these difficulties he faced during his childhood that led him to pursue acting as a career. "I had difficulties connecting with other people. When I saw David Bowie in 'The Man Who Fell to Earth', I realized I needed to do something. So I became an actor," he added.
Cage, 58, had made several headlines over the years for his list of urban legends about his life which includes owning a two-headed snake, gambling for orphans, nude cave exploration and finally having a mime as a stalker.
"I guess it would fall into the stalker category more or less. I was being stalked by a mime—silent, but maybe deadly. Somehow, this mime would appear on the set of 'Bringing Out the Dead' and start doing strange things… I have no idea how it got past security. Finally, the producers took some action, and I haven’t seen the mime since. But it was definitely unsettling," he explained to Parade magazine in 2009, as per the DailyMail.
The 'National Treasure' star has also opened up about experiencing a home invasion during the promotion of his 2011 film 'Trespass' at the Toronto International Film Festival. "It was two in the morning. I was living in Orange County at the time and was asleep with my wife. My 2-year-old at the time was in another room. I opened my eyes and there was a naked man wearing my leather jacket eating a Fudgsicle in front of my bed. I know it sounds funny… but it was horrifying," he recalled, as per the outlet.
According to New York Post, while appearing on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' in April, Cage confirmed many of his eccentric stories such as winning money in gambling and then giving it to an orphanage, and that he did have a two-headed snake at one point in his life. He further admitted that his fantasy of exploring a cave in the nude is yet to come true.