'Ralphie is a terror': New York animal shelter's brutally honest adoption ad for rescue dog goes viral

NIAGARA COUNTY, NEW YORK: A nonprofit animal shelter has attracted much attention on social media after sharing an adoption ad for a rescue dog who has been described as a "fire-breathing dragon." The brutally honest ad technique comes from the Niagara SPCA in New York’s Niagara County for Ralphie, a rescued French bulldog. While most animal shelters highlight the good qualities of an animal so they can quickly find their forever homes, this agency chose a unique way for the adorable-looking pup.
"Ralphie is a terror in a somewhat small package. What could go wrong with a 26lb dog, right? We're sure you're thinking: my ankles will be just fine. We'd caution- proceed at your own risk," the nonprofit animal agency wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday, January 17. The shelter emphasizes that Ralphie, who is still available after going viral, is best suited for a home with the "Mother of Dragons" or any "adult home free of other animals." The shelter admitted at the beginning of their caption that they were unable to "sugar coat" the animal’s demeanor and "don't actually have too many nice things to say so we're just going to come out with it."
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The post warns that one may look at the pup and think he looks sweet and innocent, but in reality, he is a "terror." The post read: "At first glance, he's an adorable highly sought-after, young dog. People should be banging down our doors for him. We promise you, that won't be the case."
The agency further explained how Ralphie seems to think that boundaries and rules do not apply to him and that his "cute face got him whatever he wanted" in his first home. The Niagara SPCA revealed his relationship with the first owner was "built on the premise that Ralphie was the boss." Thus, he was soon rehomed. In his second placement, the French bulldog was brought back to the shelter because he would annoy the owner’s older dog. "What they actually meant was: Ralphie is a fire-breathing demon and will eat our dog, but hey, he's only 26lbs," the post went on.
"Lots of people withheld Ralphie's less-than-desirable traits, but we're going to tell you all about it. He's a whole jerk- not even half. Everything belongs to him," they wrote. "If you dare test his ability to possess THE things, wrath will ensue. If you show a moment of weakness, prepare to be exploited. Sounds fun, huh?" the agency continued, "The ideal home for Ralphie is the Mother of Dragons, or an adult home free of other animals, with an owner who will lead him calmly and sternly- putting up with zero crap."
The Niagara SPCA is looking for serious inquiries only with no exceptions. Moreover, the potential adopters will be provided with training tools that Ralphie’s previous trainer believes he “needs to be successful in a home.” As of Friday, January 20, Ralphie is still up for adoption, as per CNN. Interested parties can contact the Niagara SPCA at (716) 731-4368, extension 301 'at their own risk'.