'New Amsterdam' Season 2 Episode 5: Emma Ming Hong loves Juliet's 'most dangerous patient' title, says she actually spat on Dr Iggy for authenticity

Season 2 Episode 5 of NBC's 'New Amsterdam' promises to be one of the most thrilling and gripping episodes of the series yet, thanks to the "most dangerous patient", Juliette Kimura portrayed by the Emma Ming Hong.
In the trailer for the upcoming 'The Karman Line', we see that Juliette's younger brother has been brought in after she tries to choke him. What surprises the doctors at New Amsterdam, however, is that she shows no remorse, and it is clear that she is incapable of feeling any emotion.
We also see that she is brought in to see our favorite psychiatrist, Dr. Iggy (Tyler Labine), who tries to understand her and help her in any way he can. Hong, who says landing the role was a huge deal for her, tells MEA WorldWide (MEAWW) that she got a good laugh of the label of "most dangerous patient" that 'New Amsterdam' bestowed upon her. "I loved it! It seemed like the coolest thing ever", she says, adding how she prepared for this title simply by "making serious faces in front of my mirror and picking my favorite."
"I also went to my acting coach, Julie Zarukin, who helps me prepare for my more challenging auditions. She gave me lots of helpful advice and feedback", says Hong, who also talks about preparing for that spitting scene that has all Iggy-loving fans up in arms. "When we first met at the table reading, Tyler [Labine] specifically told me that the scene would be a lot more intense and real if I actually spit. He asked if I would mind spitting in his face, and I said no, not if you’re fine with it! Although most of it was just water, it was still quite realistic."
Despite that very helpful advice, Tyler being naturally funny and nice in real life made it really hard for her to not break character, she reveals. Hong certainly managed to hold her own, from what we can see, because from the very first trailer her eerie presence on screen sent chills down our spines, and her hopes of creeping the audience out despite being innocent-looking girl, has certainly been fulfilled.
That being said, Hong also hopes that the viewers of the show will understand that Juliet has a mental health disorder and "maybe they’ll understand her more in light of that fact." 'New Amsterdam', unlike most other medical dramas, has managed to give equal focus to mental health as it does to physical health, thanks to Iggy, and Juliet's case will be no different.
We are looking forward to seeing Juliet's story on 'New Amsterdam' when Season 2 Episode 5 titled 'The Karman Line' airs on Tuesday, October 22.