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'New Amsterdam' Season 4 Episode 15 Review: Veronica Fuentes and love take centerstage

If Max's big idea was getting a new New Amsterdam in place, he's off to a great start
UPDATED FEB 23, 2022
Jocko Sims as Dr Floyd Reynold and Michelle Forbes as Dr Veronica Fuentes (Ralph Bavaro/NBC)
Jocko Sims as Dr Floyd Reynold and Michelle Forbes as Dr Veronica Fuentes (Ralph Bavaro/NBC)

Contains spoilers for 'New Amsterdam' Season 4 Episode15 'Two Doors'

Ryan Eggold goes behind the camera for 'Two Doors' and 'New Amsterdam' Season 4 back after a long break doesn't disappoint. The focus is on Veronica Fuentes and how she's hardwired rather than painting her as the villain. 'Two Doors' gives an up-close look at her past where her aim to do the greater good sometimes needs a reality check. Eggold plays with emotions in this episode and although it does come across as an emotional episode, it still has all elements that made the NBC drama a success.

Life without Helen Sharpe (Freema Agyeman) is tough and safe to say, both of them miss the sex as Max Goodwin(Eggold) ends up in bad comic timing with his sex talk on the phone. It's fun on the outside, but those in a long-distance relationship know what it feels like. The end of the episode ends with a pleasant, yet sensual touchy-feely moment, but before that, there's work to be done and one of it is ensuring getting Fuentes out of the picture.


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Floyd Reynolds is now in turmoil. After he rats out to Fuentes, he now has trouble with her when he pushes for surgery only for the MD to deny it and kick him out of the OR. Much of this has to do with something the sharp-mouthed director experienced during her up-and-coming days. Filled with remorse, Floyd attempts to help Max round up the rest of the old gang to work at a private clinic — Lauren (Janet Montgomery), Claude (Andre Brake), Agnes Kao (Christine Chang), Gladys (Megan Byrne), and Casey (Alejandro Hernandez).

It's a reunion, and only time will tell if it is enough to get rid of Fuentes, although the approach is unclear. If Max's big idea was getting a new New Amsterdam in place, he's off to a great start. There's also a storyline about Dr Iggy (Tyler Labine) sorting out a troubled father-son relationship. It could have been done away with, but Eggold seems to think it was a great storyline in terms of an episode that's themed on a relationship. In all, it's a good comeback and 'New Amsterdam' continues to tug the heartstrings.

'New Amsterdam' airs Tuesday nights at 10 pm ET on NBC.