'NCIS' star Maria Bello announces she is engaged to longtime girlfriend and French chef Dominique Crenn

Popular and long-running CBS crime procedural NCIS' very own Agent Jack Sloane — actress Maria Bello — has finally revealed the big news that she and longtime girlfriend Dominique Crenn got engaged — a secret they have been hiding ever since their romantic tryst in Paris.
In a recent appearance at Elton John's Oscar party on February 9, the actress who's popularly know for playing Coyote Mommi Lil Lovell in the 2000 iconic lesbian flick 'Coyote Ugly', announced that she and Crenn had finally caved into the blissful Parisian moonlight and got engaged in Paris back during the holidays last year.
Revealing their ecstatic news, the two also added they had been around and about publicly engaged at several food-oriented events but they finally made their big Hollywood debut of the joyous news at John's Oscar party.
Bello had come out back in 2013, in a New York Times Modern Love column. Spilling it all to E! News at the Oscar party, she revealed that she has finally felt grown up enough to be married.
As for Crenn, the Iron Chef is a star on Netflix's 'Chef's Table'. She is also the only woman to have earned three Michelin stars for her restaurant, Atelier Crenn, in San Francisco.

Crenn is also known for her fiery responses to sexist questions asked by panel audiences, especially the time when a man asked her if she considers she missed out on the "very important role" of being a mother, with her focus directed constantly to her career.
Crenn responded that she is, in fact, a mother of two and in her opinion, the man in the audience should stay at home to look after his kids so his wife could conquer the world as the badass woman she was meant to be.
Bello herself is known for several roles other than her coming-of-age portrayal in 'Coyote Ugly', and her action-packed performance in 'NCIS'. She has been nominated for Golden Globes twice — for 'The Cooler' in 2003 and 'A History of Violence' in 2005, along which she has appeared in numerous other films and TV shows.