Naya Sigin: Black student urged to 'kill herself' in vile and SHOCKING racist video

Trigger Warning: The article contains talk about suicide/self-harm
The Savage Police Department, along with the Prior Lake High School are currently investigating a viral racist video that is believed to target a Black student at the school. According to reports, at least two students at the school in Savage, Minnesota, were involved in the making of the video targeting Naya Sigin, a freshmen. Naya, along with her sister Elizabeth claims it isn't an isolated incident, but part of a larger racist campaign against them.
The stunning story has emerged just days after reports of racist, homophobic hazing at Danvers High School in Massachusetts, which is also being investigated. In late September, the Park Hill High School in Kansas City also made headlines after a group of students posted an online petition calling for the return of slavery. Days later, two high school students in Kansas City once again made the news, for a racist sign asking to go to the homecoming dance.
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Despite the efforts of educators, racism remains a huge problem for schools all over the US. A good case in point is the Prior Lake High School, where the Sigin sisters were repeatedly targeted for some reason.

'Tie the rope higher'
The racist video began circulating on social media in early November, showing one student at the school talking to the camera in a dark room. Another voice can be heard in the background, but the person was reportedly not visible. While we won't report everything that was said, the video does feature the two girls making constant racist remarks like "nobody likes (n-word)," while laughing.
The girls also allegedly make fun of Naya's past attempts of suicide, by saying, "F-----g kill yourself right this time, do it f-----g right. Cut deep enough this time or f-----g tie the rope higher." It isn't the first time a racist video was made by a school student. The sisters told Fox 9 that before this video, another was made where a student attacked a pillow with the n-word written on it while calling out racial slurs. It's unclear if the student in that video is the same one as the student in the video mocking Naya's suicide attempts.

The video was reportedly shared on Facebook over a thousand times before one of Naya's classmates told her about it. Instantly, they reported it to the school, and also opened up to the media. "It was just the most disgusting thing I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life," Naya told KSTP. "I was feeling I was confused. I didn't really know what I had done to even deserve it," she added. Elizabeth added, "I watched the first half and it was nothing new, I see racist things all the time. And then it got to the second half where it was actual threats and actual vile language and I was just so mad."
Naya reportedly attempted suicide in May and told KSTP about her struggles with anxiety and depression. "I finally have entered the part of my life where I feel like I'm finally overcoming that. This whole entire situation happens and it just feels like a relapse," she said, while in tears.
Community backs Naya, investigation opened
On November 10, the school's principal and the district Superintendent addressed the news with a letter to parents. "We want to provide you with an update on our school day at Prior Lake High School (PLHS). We know there were many unfounded rumors swirling around today. Rest assured, students were safe, learning, and cared for by our staff." They added that an investigation was underway, but did not provide more details.

Savage police are currently working with administrators to identify the students responsible. Social media has already identified the girl responsible and is currently calling for her expulsion. We are choosing not to name the individual until the police do. Apart from the widespread condemnation of the girl, many in the community have also backed Naya with positive messages. In response to the support, she said, "It's just it's honestly like an unexplainable feeling. I couldn't even express how thankful I am for everybody."
Some members of the community have also set up a GoFundMe for Naya's college education. The fundraiser has crossed its $100,000 goal, having made over $116,000 at the time of reporting. Elizabeth, a senior at the school urged the district to act, saying, "It’s already hard enough being in such a predominantly white area as a Black family, and as Black women, it makes it so much harder for us. I really just want to see my school do something about this video and give real consequences to the students who are involved."