National Zoo Lovers Day: History, facts and 3 ways to celebrate

National Zoo Lovers Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate and appreciate the incredible creatures that call zoos home. Whether you're a seasoned zoo-goer or planning your very first visit, there's something truly special about seeing majestic animals up close and personal.
Many zoos go above and beyond to provide safe, healthy habitats for their residents, and it's truly inspiring to see the passionate staff who work tirelessly to care for them. It is also a great chance to learn more about conservation efforts and how we can all make small changes in our daily lives to protect the environment and prevent habitat loss.
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Animal enclosing was a practice among the Greeks in the seventh century BC Greece received a large number of animals brought in during Alexander the Great's military campaigns. The early Asian and Egyptian zoos were kept primarily for the benefit of the general populace and secondarily for study.
Throughout the fourth century BC, Greek scientists and experimenters were more interested in researching and employing captivated animals. For research and use in the arena, the Romans maintained two different kinds of animals.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, zoos began to dwindle, but Henry I in the 12th century and Emperor Charlemagne in the 8th kept a few private collections going. King Philip VI of Spain donated an animal collection to the Paris Louvre in 1333. At Versailles, numerous members of the Bourbon family had animal collections. A zoo with farmed birds, mammals, and reptiles was discovered in Mexico later in 1519. Around 300 zookeepers took care of keeping everything up. The Imperial Menagerie, the first contemporary zoo, was established in 1752 at the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.
5 facts about Zoos
1. More than 600 million visitors are reportedly projected to visit zoos annually by WAZA. This hardly even scratches the surface. In 2002, more than 105,656,000 people visited the 202 responding facilities in the USA (out of a total of 355 zoos).
2. In the US, 29 zoos and aquariums receive more than 1,000,000 visitors per year.
3. The Philadelphia Zoo, which was established on July 1st, 1874, is thought to be the country's first zoo.
4. Red McCombs Wildlife is the largest zoo in the US, covering more than 5,000 hectares (12,500 acres).
5. The highest adult admission fee is $58.00 at Santa Rosa, California's Safari West. The average child admission fee in the USA is $5.53 (247 zoos).
3 ways to celebrate National Zoo Lovers Day
1. Become a volunteer
The best way to celebrate National Zoo Lovers Day is to give back to your community's zoo by volunteering there. It's an excellent chance to observe animals up close.
2. Time for a family picnic!
This is an excellent opportunity for a fun but educational family picnic. Explore unusual and exotic animals while you can. You might also spread the news by posting some images on social media!
3. Adopt an animal
Animal adoption programs are offered by a lot of zoos across the world. Adopting an animal from a zoo is a wonderful way to express your passion for protecting rare and unusual species.