National Thomas Jefferson Day: History, significance and 3 ways to celebrate

Thomas Jefferson Day is observed on April 13 in honor of the third president of the United States. He was president from 1801 to 1809 and was instrumental in the 1776 Declaration of Independence. Jefferson is also known for his support of American republicanism and its values.
Jefferson presided over significant events in American history such as the Lewis and Clark expedition and the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. He is known for a number of outstanding accomplishments but the signing of the Declaration of Independence was his most important accomplishment.
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Once we understand how crucial Thomas Jefferson was to the formation of the United States, we can fully appreciate the significance of Thomas Jefferson Day. As a political philosopher, Jefferson was friends with several influential thinkers in Britain and France. He drafted the Virginia Statute for religious freedom and advocated for the separation of religion and state.
Jefferson was known as a gardener, statesman, architect, archeologist, novelist, inventor, and founder of the University of Virginia, among other things. Jefferson began his career as a lawyer and member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. A Summary View of the Rights of British America was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1794.
After leaving public service, Jefferson founded the University of Virginia. He died on July 4, 1826 which is also the Independence Day. The Declaration of Independence was ratified on this day fifty years ago.
Thomas Jefferson played a crucial role in shaping America's political principles, such as democracy, liberty, and individual rights. He also founded institutions such as the Library of Congress and designed remarkable architectural masterpieces such as Monticello.
The importance of Thomas Jefferson Day cannot be overstated, as it reminds us of the influence he had in shaping America's political ideas and values that still resonate today.
3 ways to celebrate the day
1. On Thomas Jefferson Day, pick out some books and other materials to read about the president. Learn everything there is to know about the former president from here.
2. Jefferson liked to read a lot. His extensive library contained more than 6,500 books. Reading for a while is a great way to celebrate Thomas Jefferson Day.
3. Watch a documentary about Thomas Jefferson or American history to celebrate Thomas Jefferson Day.