'My Lady Jane' Episode 7 Ending Explained: Lord Dudley's secret costs Jane Grey dearly
Contains spoilers for 'My Lady Jane' Episode 7 Amazon Prime Video
LONDON, ENGLAND: 'My Lady Jane' is heating up as the series approaches its finale. In Episode 7, Lady Jane Grey (Emily Bader) finds herself facing unexpected challenges and formidable adversaries.
In 'My Lady Jane' Episode 6, Princess Mary (Kate O'Flynn) launches an attack on the kingdom, capturing Jane and her family. In Episode 7, Mary devises various schemes and ruthless strategies to kill Jane.
The episode is filled with tension as Mary stops at nothing, using both political maneuvering and brute force to achieve her goal.
Let's discover the events of 'My Lady Jane' Episode 7.
Princess Mary overthrows Lady Jane Grey to claim the crown in Episode 7

After capturing Jane, Mary becomes the Queen of England, ushering in a new era for the kingdom. Jane, once a queen herself, is now imprisoned, her brief reign brought to a tragic end.
Mary devises a plan to execute Jane, aiming to eliminate her as a rival once and for all. However, the Duke of Norfolk (Will Keen) cautions her against such a hasty action. He warns that executing Jane without a proper trial would provoke public outrage and unrest. Reluctantly, Mary agrees to hold a trial for Jane.
On the other hand, Lord Dudley (Rob Brydon) and Lord Stan Dudley (Henry Ashton) go into hiding, fearing retribution from Mary's reign. However, Lord Guildford Dudley (Edward Bluemel) comes to meet them and urges them to help Jane.
He appeals to their sense of honor and duty, arguing that they have a moral obligation to stand by her side. Despite the risks involved, Guildford is determined to rally support for his wife.
Guildford takes a daring leap from a palace window, risking capture or worse, to reach Jane in her place of confinement. Jane is overcome with relief and joy to see Guildford alive, as she had believed him to be dead. Guildford apologizes to Jane for leaving her alone to seek a cure.
Guildford asks Jane to leave with him, revealing that he has a plan to escape together. However, Jane hesitates, knowing that if she escapes, Mary will likely retaliate against her family.
Guildford refuses to leave Jane, insisting that he cannot abandon her in her time of need. However, Jane urges him to go, assuring him that she has prepared herself for the trial ahead and believes it would be fair.
Meanwhile, King Edward VI (Jordan Peters) has arrived in secret to help Jane, his survival unknown to all. Edward is determined to support Jane and ensure that justice is served.
Lady Jane Grey's fate decided in the trial in Episode 7

At the trial, the Duke of Norfolk accuses Jane of theft for falsely assuming the title of queen and of signing a document to end the division of the law. He argues that these actions constitute treason and demand execution. Jane listens to the accusations with a heavy heart, knowing that her fate hangs in the balance.
As the episode unfolds, Jane refutes the accusations, asserting her innocence by invoking the authority of King Edward. She explains that Edward had named her as his heir to the throne, a decision that cannot be arbitrarily changed.
Jane argues that she was merely fulfilling the wishes of the late king and acting in accordance with his lawful declaration of succession. She maintains that she has not committed treason or theft, but rather, she has dutifully accepted the responsibility entrusted to her by the rightful monarch.
People in the courtroom begin to cheer and show support for Jane's defense, much to Mary's displeasure. The outpouring of support for Jane infuriates Mary, who sees it as a challenge to her authority. The Duke of Norfolk urges his men to take Jane away temporarily due to Mary's growing anger.
In her room, Jane is astonished and overjoyed to see Edward, who has disguised himself to enter the palace. Everyone believed Edward to be dead.

However, Jane, aware of the danger Edward faces, tells him to leave or Mary will kill him. She advises him to take back the kingdom with his rightful claim, using his forces to fight for his throne.
Edward heeds Jane's warning and leaves. Meanwhile, Jane is taken back to the trial, where the proceedings continue.
The Duke of Norfolk declares Jane innocent, but just as it seems her fate is sealed, Mary and Lord Seymour (Dominic Cooper) arrive with a secret that could change everything.
Mary reveals that Jane married an Ethian. She says that Lord Guildford is actually an Ethian and not a human.

She further asserts that Jane's marriage to an Ethian is a violation of the division law and demands her execution. They also bring a horse who transforms into Guildford in front of everyone.
Now, the truth is revealed to everyone: Guildford is an Ethian with the ability to transform into a horse. The courtroom erupts in shock and disbelief as they witness this extraordinary transformation.
Will Jane be executed? Only time will tell.
'My Lady Jane' Episode 7 is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video