Mr Robot's BD Wong channels Whiterose in Thanksgiving trolling about whether Tyrell Wellick and Angela are alive

It all started with one poor Twitter user frazzled at all the twists Sam Esmail had pulled in 'Mr. Robot' Season 4 this year. Responding to the promo for the upcoming episode 9 that suggested Angela may not be dead, he tweeted: "Is Angela really dead ??" to which B. D. Wong, who plays Whiterose, replied: "please define 'dead'."
It was the start of "Thanksgiving - The Trolling Edition" authored by B. D. Wong as he released a whole series of "please define.." tweets in response to 'Mr. Robot' fans who tried to get him to spill the beans about whether Angela and, the other fan-favorite, Tyrell Wellick, had really died or not.
To another fan asking if Tyrell was dead, Wong replied: "please define 'Tyrell'." One fan responded asking him to "stop playing with our hearts", but Wong was having too much fun to stop, posting a gif image of a Christmas tree being set on fire, referencing the way he destroyed a Christmas tree in episode 2 of season 4 and posting several "laughing gifs" of everyone from Bette Davis to Pee-wee Herman to Karen Walker (of 'Will and Grace') in response to the anguished tweet-wails by those invested in the show.
One twitter user observing the proceedings from a distance commented, "This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for @BD_WONG and his full course of playful retorts served with sadism-tinged gravy. But seriously, the #MrRobot fandom loves you for engaging us, and I personally love you as an actor and look forward to more teasing during future projects."
To this, Wong replied with a gif of a turkey being set on fire. Yup, there was a lot of arson involved on his twitter feed, reflecting his "Whiterose" persona's delight in destruction.
When Wong tweeted, "I can definitely verbally confirm: that Tyrell sure is a live wire, isn’t he?", a sharp-sighted fan asked if Tyrell "is" or "was" a livewire, to which Wong replied: "Sorry. Yes, should clarify. Tyrell 'wis' definitely a live wire." There is no getting spoilers from this one.
'Mr. Robot' airs on the USA Network Sundays at 10/9c.