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'Moon Knight' Episode 1: Wonky CGI has fans saying, 'It's like Marvel want people to trash their CGI'

Despite Marvel's 'Moon Knight' getting some solid reviews, one segment of MCU ardents was disappointed with the CGI of the show and took to Twitter to express their thoughts
UPDATED MAR 30, 2022
Oscar Isaac in a still from 'Moon Knight' (Marvel Studios)
Oscar Isaac in a still from 'Moon Knight' (Marvel Studios)

Despite what appeared to be some solid reviews for Marvel's 'Moon Knight', one segment of MCU ardents was thoroughly disappointed with the CGI of the show. The Disney+ show starring Oscar Isaac premiered to good reception with fans praising Isaac's acting chops and the horror element. The show follows Steven Grant, a mild and timid employee at a museum gift shop who later realizes he has dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector and Khonshu, the Egyptian moon god.

First debuting in 1975, MoonKnight (or his alter-ego Marc Spector) is Marvel's take on Egyptian mythology. In the comics, Spector is a former US Marine-turned-mercenary who suffers from dissociative identity disorder, partially due to the control Khonshu exercises over him. Coming back to fan reactions, the CGI was one of the talking points. "Okay so thoughts on the first Moon Knight episode and I enjoyed it, only thing I didn’t like was the effects. CGI was meh. But I’m hooked #MoonKnight," one of the tweets read.


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"Only complaint was the shotty CGI on the road with the truck and the fact they didn't even show the fight scene. Oscar Isaac is great so far #MoonKnight," another opined. "Moon Knight was fire but GOD DAMN it's like Marvel want ppl to trash their CGI," a tweet said.

"Honestly want to be excited for moon knight but i just cant ive given up on marvel at this stage i know its gonna be the same cliched s**t with the same ending as all the others with crap cgi and damn im just so tired," one of the fans wrote.

"The moonknight hashtag is either people freaking out about how good that episode was or people complaining about the cgi already I cant with some of you..." a fan remarked. "#MoonKnight Okay 1st episode, didn’t really grab my attention like the previous 1st episodes of the live action Marvel shows but still interested to see where it goes. Though I hope the CGI was just a wrong file because it looked awful," one of the fans remarked.

"I confess, I don’t know much about #MoonKnight , never followed the comic, but that first episode already has me hooked. My only complaint so far is that the CGI is noticeably below par for Marvel, it’s distractingly off," a tweet read.